First attempt at a scrog grow


Well-Known Member
Why do you guys get those 2'x4' screens for scrog? What section in Home Depot do you look in?
It is cheaper and more rewarding to build your own. Build a rectangle with 2x2 wood to your specifications. Use a role of hemp rope (thicker is better) to weave the screen. Every 2 1/2" place a screw or nail in the top of the 2x2. After the screws/nails are in place thread the rope through and pull the rope taught from edge to edge. Do this for two opposing sides first. When doing the next two sides be sure to pull the rope over/under (weaving) the previously tied rope. Weaving the net takes about 1/2 hour the first time lol. If you want to avoid any fibers in any buds (I use hemp so fibers don't matter) I would use ibex's Velcro suggestion. I hang my net from the ceiling with chains for extra weight and easy height adjustability. Sometimes I have to hang stuff (like milk jugs full of water) to the bottom of the net for extra weight/stability. Scrog is the shit my friends. :p:cool:

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." -Dalai Lama
My plan is to veg as long as it takes to fill the screen. I am also worried about the fishing line with the buds. Been trying to think of a way to cushion the line before it fills up to much and I can't get to it.

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Well-Known Member
You could try running electrical tape length wise and folding it over the line like a taco. Or even just pieces of electrical tape cushioning the line where contact is made. Option number three that I can think of: go get some Velcro ties and avoid the fishing line, forming a canopy just above the originally intended one.

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." -Dalai Lama
That's what I'm gonna try electrical tape where contact is made. See what happens should have done more research on fishing line before I used it.

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Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
don't fill your screen in veg, and then flip. get it to about 70-80%, then flip. allow for the stretch in flower or you'll lose control of your scrog. remember, all you want above the screen are buds. i clear cut everything below the screen once things start getting dark under there. no sense in feeding a bunch of foliage that isn't getting any light.

unkle mouse

Active Member
DIY?? next time thread you string threw straws.. just saying

My plan is to veg as long as it takes to fill the screen. I am also worried about the fishing line with the buds. Been trying to think of a way to cushion the line before it fills up to much and I can't get to it.

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Thanks for the advice guys it's not my first grow. However it is my first scrog grow so all the advice i appreciate. Diy= do it yourself. Started putting cut up straws on all my points of contact as I have time I'll keep adding more. Going to veg for another week or two then flip to 12/12. 1387142167210.jpg

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Thanks for the advice guys it's not my first grow. However it is my first scrog grow so all the advice i appreciate. Diy= do it yourself. Started putting cut up straws on all my points of contact as I have time I'll keep adding more. Going to veg for another week or two then flip to 12/12. View attachment 2929996

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Here is another picture of me adding more straws so the fishing line doesn't cut my plants or my buds later.on.1387218809304.jpg

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Thanks not a dealer , grow for the fun of it and of course to smoke. Not trying to spend tons of money. But still want quality smoke. First time using the scrog method we shall see. I like what i see so far though.1387331089875.jpg

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Have 23 tops through the screen. Plant is in 24 hours of dark right now and tomorrow at 12 noon flipping lights to 12 /12 let's the buds begin gotta save room for the stretch

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Well-Known Member
Gotta say I would have waited a little longer. However, maybe the stretch in these girls is unreal? Either way they look like happy girls! :D

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." -Dalai Lama
Idk if you seen my pics under the scrog plant is bushy as hell down there. They have been vegging for almost seven weeks , nine if you Count first two weeks under the cfls from seedling. It has its pre flowers. I been dealing with this strain for a while now super skunk. It stretches alot. Last grow I had nice canopy all the sudden main stem shot up and was almost double size of the rest of the plant. I was scared to bend it because it was so stiff. So the main canopy was almost 3 ft from light with main cola 10 inches from light. So rest of my buds suffered because of the main cola stretching so quick. We shall see what happens

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