First attempt at coco/autopot grow


Well-Known Member
Hello friends

So I'm on day 11 since popping seeds in a glass of water and putting them in jiffy pellets once they sunk to the bottom. After 5 days I could see roots coming out the jiffy pellets so I decided to transplant to a 500ml party cups, clear ones so I can see when roots reach the bottom... and on day 10, low and behold... roots coming down to my layer of clay pellets.

Now the thing is, things are moving a little quicker than I expected (and better, so I don't wanna F this up). Do you think its time to place them in my auto pots or continue a little longer in the party cups?

I'm growing under T5 round 430w (currently half switched off), planning to go full 430w after day 14...
any advice, really appreciate it.

Nervous af, this is them at day 11


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You can put them in the autopots or you can wait. Or you can pot up and manual top feed as per the instruction for a while until your comfortable.
I would probably wait, let the rootzone fill out a bit more. Once it has constant access to water in the autopot system the root growth will slow down.