First Attempt/Journal: Closet+Cardboard CFL


Currently set up in a closet. Reflective walls to be added shortly as I found emergency blankets in the camping supply section of a local chain.
Using 6x 42W (100 equiv) CFL, 4x 6500K, 2x 2700K for now. Moving to a wicked box setup as soon as it's constructed, probably in line with first (and maybe only) transplant. I have all needed supplies, just need to move some things around and then build.

Apr. 7 - Seeds buried in peat mix and lightly watered. "Bagseed" from friends, well sourced though...kinda :P Plants named for the friends I procured them from. Indirectly in one case. "S" came from a bag of nice homegrown a friend got from a co-worker I've never met. Despite the seeds being pale white and suspect looking, both times I germ'd they were the first to sprout and went 2/2. The others is "Jagr", seeds from a friends father-in-law. Somewhat of a practice run before I invest in a desired strain. Planted 1x S and 7x J. (Used 1xS for a friend and gave away previously).

Apr. 12 - Two plants break the surface and have lost seed cap when I first see them. 1 each of S and J.

Apr. 13 - Two more Jagrs pop through, one sporting a seed cap, the other bare.
Lights: 4" away. S1 and J1 both have well established first set of true leaves.

Apr. 14 - Added PC fan blowing over lights, not disturbing plants too much but with airflow present on/above them. Another Jagr popped, and J2 an J3 both have the makings of first leaf set.
Lights: Lowered to 2" away as I'm worried about the plants stretching at all. I really want nice stocky plants, and I plan to top and LST as well since I want to learn those techniques for future use so I may as well start now :P
Watering: Still doing pretty good watering lightly every 36-48 hours when the top of the seedling mix is dry to touch. I'm going sparingly on the water as I'm worried about over watering. The packet feels heavy with water when I pick it up though so I think I'm good.

Question: 1) When can I start feeding these badboys? Using Neptune's Harvets fish fert. (2) How tall should I let them get before I move them to bigger pots? Any advice appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I would just move them into a bigger pot asap, it helps to stop you from killing any roots (one they have formed)when transplanting. well thats what i done didint want to kill my plant before it even had a set of leaves.


I would just move them into a bigger pot asap, it helps to stop you from killing any roots (one they have formed)when transplanting. well thats what i done didint want to kill my plant before it even had a set of leaves.
I don't know that if that would be a good idea just yet...I don't think they're very stable at this point and I wouldn't want to stress them out. Seems a little early yet. Barely any roots formed. I'm not worried about killing any roots when I transplant. Just wondering if there is a rule of thumb, or just good ole "when they outgrow their current container" ;)

I'm the most curious about when to start feeding them. I've read different things...2 weeks from sprouting is ok to start? I've also read when they form their second set of true leaves it's ok to feed diluted fertilizer. Both came from what seemed like comprehensive and well put together guides. I'm open to suggestions, and I'm going to read up on it as well.


Apr. 16 - Fan leave on two furthest along plants really spreading out. 2nd set of true leaves formed.

Temps running between 75-80 during the day and lowering to about 70 at night. Humidity around 30%. I close the door at night to help keep the warmth in the closet. During the day the door is open to keep temp down and let fresh air in.

Would really love some input on when I should start feeding nutes.


Well-Known Member
most people say during/after the 3rd week of veg. start most on quarter strength then work your way up.


Well-Known Member
Ndeehel: Here are a couple of things to think about:
1. When I hear the words: lights and cardboard in the same sentence I get nervous. Lights get hot and cardboard burns. Go to The Home Depot or Lowe's and you'll see lots of lights but none operating in close proximity to anything combustable. You want to smoke your crop not the whole house or apartment.
2. As far as feeding your babies is concerned, most sources I've read agree that your seeds have all they need in the seed for the first week to ten days but I think there's more to it than that. I think it depends a lot on the strain you're trying to cultivate and the brand of nutes you're planning on using. Look around here and you'll see a lot of cries for help from owners of nute burned plants, and I think most of it is from the improper use of excessively harsh nutes. I would talk to the manufacturer or the nutes you intend to use or the local hydro shop that sold them to you as to when to start and at what concentration. I've heard as little as 1/8 to 1/2 and that's a pretty big spread.
If you haven't decided on a brand let me put in a plug for what I use: Technaflora's, "Recipe for Success." Discount hydro in Riverside, California recommended it to me because I didn't know much about hydro. If you can follow simple directions it's pretty much idiot proof. All you need is a gallon of good water, a set of measuring spoons and something to check pH with. I've been using it exclusively now for about five or six years and I haven't had any of the problems you read about here or at other forums. I'm sure there are a lot of good brands on the market, probably some cheaper as well as more expensive, but they've been good to me so I don't hesitate recommending them to others. You can get a sample/starter kit that's complete for about $30 at your local hydro store. I hope this helps. HSA


Ndeehel: Here are a couple of things to think about:
1. When I hear the words: lights and cardboard in the same sentence I get nervous. Lights get hot and cardboard burns. Go to The Home Depot or Lowe's and you'll see lots of lights but none operating in close proximity to anything combustable. You want to smoke your crop not the whole house or apartment.
2. As far as feeding your babies is concerned, most sources I've read agree that your seeds have all they need in the seed for the first week to ten days but I think there's more to it than that. I think it depends a lot on the strain you're trying to cultivate and the brand of nutes you're planning on using. Look around here and you'll see a lot of cries for help from owners of nute burned plants, and I think most of it is from the improper use of excessively harsh nutes. I would talk to the manufacturer or the nutes you intend to use or the local hydro shop that sold them to you as to when to start and at what concentration. I've heard as little as 1/8 to 1/2 and that's a pretty big spread.
If you haven't decided on a brand let me put in a plug for what I use: Technaflora's, "Recipe for Success." Discount hydro in Riverside, California recommended it to me because I didn't know much about hydro. If you can follow simple directions it's pretty much idiot proof. All you need is a gallon of good water, a set of measuring spoons and something to check pH with. I've been using it exclusively now for about five or six years and I haven't had any of the problems you read about here or at other forums. I'm sure there are a lot of good brands on the market, probably some cheaper as well as more expensive, but they've been good to me so I don't hesitate recommending them to others. You can get a sample/starter kit that's complete for about $30 at your local hydro store. I hope this helps. HSA
Everything helps dude! Thanks!

The fert I have is organic, and the same one I use for my veggie garden. It's Neptune's Harvest fish fert (4-2-1) and I think it would be very hard to burn the plants even using the full concentration (1 tbsp per gallon of water). I'm probably going to use a 1/2 tbsp in 1 gallon of water for the first feeding. I expect it to go well, I just wasn't sure when my little girlies would run out of food from the seed. I may go a 1/4 tbsp the first time just to be safe...hard to say :P


April 20th - Transplanted to 1 gallon (4L) pots today. Added some perlite to my organic potting soil. I am going to start feeding on the 26th as that will be two weeks of the plants being above soil. Starting with a diluted solution of Neptune's harvest.

Discarded the one that was stunted and not forming good leaves. As it turns out, my setup gets light on four plants perfectly. Still 24 hrs light, door open during the day. PC fan blowing over lights.

