82 days from germ till cut. Drying upstair. Have 4 more like them following close behind. Last but not least 3 diesel autos not to be harvested till September. Here’s picture:View attachment 5166762
Week or so I'd say. Almost all the white hairs are gone.Thanks to all who responded, but generally speaking, about how much longer?
Thanks.Week or so I'd say. Almost all the white hairs are gone.
Yes. Last few days even I can smell it. When your around them for awhile you get used to it. But Yes the last few days!Looks ready for the chop but no harm in going another week. Have you noticed an increase in smell?
You are likely right in the time-to-chop zone. Your call.Yes. Last few days even I can smell it. When your around them for awhile you get used to it. But Yes the last few days!
You where In the window to pull them nobodies arguing that lol just how long you can take them to get maximum results but all in preference, never mind the naysayers.So two or so weeks ago I took down three plants and apparently there was some weeping and gnashing of teeth. Yet here I sit on a beautiful day smoking that very same weed. Perfect…..
Not sure if this is what you mean.Whole flower pics
Not sure if this is what you mean.