Harvesting Three Afghan Skunk

Super early pull, hopefully you didn't kneecap their potency. Best of luck.
Well, so I took a test run of what I harvested, I’d say that without the cure which I always do, it’s pretty potent. I have some weed from last years grow and there isn’t a person I shared it with who wouldn’t want more. I’m looking for a good year this grow. This years grow is a lot of experimentation. I could’ve waited to pull the first three (no doubt). But that’s what it’s all about when you're captain you get to steer the ship, And throw mutineers off. It’s about the whole thing for me.
Took another small bite of my “ early pull”, I’m completely happy, I’ve been in my undies for two hours now trying to get on with my day…. I’d say. Mission accomplished.