First Baby Grow

took a bagseed with some MG in a solo party a pc case planning to leave it there? :-P:-P lol not trying to cause trouble just having fun, im just learning the ropes before i order seeds and get real pots, but heres a pic of my first grow. i do not plan on transplanting, it is only an experiment. i will eventually get fox farms and pots. the setup is a stealth pc case, 2 cfls on a 12/12 from seed timer and one drainage hole in the bottom center of the 18oz cup. i took it out the pc case for an hour to get some natural sunshine, fresh air and some wind to thicken that stem. hows it looking so far? i over watered last time not paying attention, but it seems to be growing fine, in my opinion

looks nice, pretty stretchy looking stem though. Fox farm is for sure the way to go if you want nice plants soil grown. Roots organics also has good soil. Will you always be growing in the pc case?
yea i lowered my lights to try and deal with that steam, no the pc case was just a spare around the house and that became my grow space. i plan to get a low odor strain and grow in my closet if all goes well. actually is my plant to young to start LST with a coat hanger?
yeah you want to wait until it has a set of five bladed leaves. also i found that if i bend my stems gently periodically through the day, the stems thicken up and don't get so lengthy.
thanks for the fast replies, ill bend my stem gently occasionally to see if that will help. ill update with pics and info periodically.
quick question, i planted a seed in the same cup about a week ago and last night it broke ground, what should i do with the extra sprout? i dont have room for an extra atm

redeye jedi88

Active Member
quick question, i planted a seed in the same cup about a week ago and last night it broke ground, what should i do with the extra sprout? i dont have room for an extra atm
you just pretty much answered your own question there if you dont have room for it get it to some1 who does or put it on a windowsill or something like that if your just experimenting
cliffnotes for today
- 5 days after breaking soil
- added one extra cfl light to my case
- watered last night with diluted nutes
- threw away extra sprout
- friend is giving me some "real" seeds tomorrow
- picsIMAG0199.jpgIMG_20130313_101740.jpgIMAG0189.jpg last pic is from the other day when i decided to give it a field trip to my next grow space

here it is today, 5 days after breaking soil. still in the solo cup, but bumped the cfls up to 3 instead of 2 inside my case. yesterday i gave it some highly diluted miracle household plant nutes to see (about 4 drops for half a cup or so), but didnt seem to effect it negatively (at least yet :lol:) and i added a little more soil to bring the level back up from it slipping out the bottom when watering. im getting some kind of kush seeds tomorrow from a friend, but i dont plan to plant them yet. going to experiment a little more with this. and i need time to set up my closet. well thats all for now, stay green
quick cliff notes for today
- moved to a bigger full tower case
- running 2 cfls now, one 6500 and one 2700
- worked around my fan light leaks

running a 6500 and 2700 cfl with 1650 lumens and 800 respectively if i remember correctly, 2 exhaust fans, 1 intake and one small personal fan to blow on the lights and plants. i have the lights hooked up to my surge protector which is mounted with the bottom to the wall to get my lights sideways. to stop the fan light leak i took the cardboard box the cfls came in, cut it and ran it horizontally across my exhaust fans with space for air to be sucked after wrapping it in foil, seems to be doing the trick for the intake i have it mounted in my top drive bay with foam from foam paintbrushes placed in front to block light and still let air in while capturing foreign particles hopefully. been playing with tying it down with some string and its starting to split and grow more. ill post new pictures with my next update. i have a blue dream seed im probably going to plant soon after i see how this goes the next week or two. the case is about 80% done but holds light, runs quiet, not over heating and still giving off enough light to light my entire room with all lights off, just need to lay things out the proper way, but that may not be until my next grow. stay green
drooping.jpgneed help...I came and now the leaves are really thin and dropping. I was thinking the heat may have gotten to hot, im dropping the pot down some away from the lights and I watered it, it was almost dried out. It was burned on my main cola from my lights falling, so I cut it last night. this morning it was fine and lusciously green and thickening up, now this. any help? btw it was transplanted out of the cup about...a week ago