First Bubbleponic Grow, Nutrition Help

Starting with my first bubble grow with SH bubble system. I'm using the nutrietion packets that came with it. Works just fine, I have no problem with it.

But I heard something about Advance Nutes that also controls the PH levels on its own... Can anyone tell me about it and is it worth getting?

Thanks, toke away:bigjoint:


Hey i know im a little late, but i have the same SH set up. What i was looking into was the Lucas Formula. It is very basic and the best to learn from (from what others say). Im planning on using it for my next run then experimenting with other nutes to add to it. Apparently the plant gets everything it needs from mico/bloom nutes all the way through. So with that constant its easy to test new products.


Active Member
GH is a really good nutrients very easy to use and its not expensive at all i use it and i havent had no issues with it


Well-Known Member
Advanced Nutrients is pretty much one of the best brands of nutrients IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT.. Very expensive but one of the only lines of nutrients that were specifically designed for Cannabis cultivation. A lot of people hate them and talk shit about them because of their endless self promotion and never ending plugs.

What you are talking about is a PH Buffer, and yes Advanced Nutes have them but so do most nutrient lines. I'm using GH Nutes and when added properly I get a nice 5.9 PH reading with out using any PH Up / PH Down.

Now it all depends on how much money you have to spend. If you want something simple and affordable and also reliable go with General Hydropnics. I use GH , next round however I am making the switch to Advanced.


Well-Known Member
I'm using the SH bubble system with Advanced Nutrients. you can check out my grow in my Sig. I'm on day 49 of 12/12. I still have all the nutes that came with the SH system but i really didn't want to use any type of powdered nutes in my reservoir thats the one of the main reasons i went with AN. But i have seen some good results with the SH nutes.