First CFL closet grow ghetto rigged

They're bout a week old now!! and I'm going to be adding one 150w HPS light. They're under cfls right now for a total of 86 watts.. going to be doubling that tomorrow. went 24/0 from seed. and switched too a 18/6. I hope it all works out!! will continue to post updates!!


Thanks for the kind words!! ANd yeah i have a fan hanging in the corner!!! and david ive been reading your journal!! it was really sad to her that you broke the top off :( i can't even imagine..
is it too early to be adding nutes? i got some miracle grow all purpose plantfood.. 24-8-16 .... I've read good things and bad things about miracle grow... i would start off 1/4 strength.. when should i start adding nutes?
:blsmoke: my lil gals are starting to get there second set of leaves! i accidently burnt one of the tips of the leaves(newbie mistake....) but it seems to be doing good! on the second picture you can see the tip is a little yellow. also i noticed that (the plant in the 3rd pic) has yellowish cytosol is this anything to worry about? or just from under watering.? i've been only watering with a spray bottle and today i soaked the soil good.(was careful not to over water). also i doubled my lighting today.. i have 4 26 6500k full spectrum CFL bulbs and one 42 watt 2700k i believe.. and one 13w... not to sure of the spectrum.. probably soft white.. i also just have one more question.. i noticed at home depot they have colored cfls .. would it be beneficial to try a blue one.. i mean.. has anyone ever tried this? i'm tempted to try.. well i'll keep updating. :peace:bongsmilie:joint:



Well-Known Member
Don't bother with the blue one. You have plenty right now. I only had 6 23 watt cfls for 5 plants for first 12 days. Also, are that miracle grow seems to be burning your plants...I would get a new soil as soon as you can. I have miracle grow moisture control which is like 0.18-0.16-0.18 or something. It was just enough to provide nutrients without burning...GL


Well-Known Member
how old are these plants???? and is it just me but are they stretching?? mine are a lil bigger at four days old but our setups seem for the lights you have now
it can't be nutes burning my plants i haven't added any yet.. they've just been in organic soil..... I was gonna wait a few weeks before nuteing.
how old are these plants???? and is it just me but are they stretching?? mine are a lil bigger at four days old but our setups seem for the lights you have now
they're about 9 days old.. i just added all the light... before they started only with the one 42 watt cfl now i have much more and better lighting so that's prob. why yours are bigger than mine.. and they were stretching due to the one light but have stopped since i've added more light..


Well-Known Member
yea the 42w was 2700k rite? ok as far as them stretching and the nute burn...if it was me id go get a big ass pot and some good soil like the miracle grow dude said or hell even scotts garden soil..bury them plants to the lil leaves and have fun growing your own smoke and you wouldnt have to transplant again
okay...s o how is it possible to even have a nute burn? I HAVENT ADDED ANY NUTES.. the only burn is from the light touching the plant for too long....... but i was planning on getting some miracle grow moisture control and moving into 2.5 gallon containers.. when they had a little more grow time behind them...


Well-Known Member
hold on nute burn wouldnt be possible if you dont have any nute what soil are you using read it carefully alot of them do have them the yellow coloration could be from over watering wich is easy as fuck to do in those cups or the light like you said


Active Member
i doubt it is overwatering or nute burn ... arent those seedling's too close to the cfl's ? i think it's more like heat stress, put you're finger or palm right next to th plnt, isn't it too warm in there ? get a thermometer and put it just where the plant is, i bet it will read 90++

Peace !


Well-Known Member
mine was pretty micro only 75 watts of cfls but now i got like 160+ watts of cfls come check it out sometime im 8 weeks in at 12/12 from seed and shes flowering under just cfls...


Hey man, I like your set up. I rigged this one up a few weeks ago when i decided to start growing. let me know what u guys think. ;-)
you were right about them being to close... i left for a few hours and then came back and when i checked on them one of the cytosol is completed burned....... but the plant itself is still okay...... is there any hope for it? ill post pics of it soon.... man it sucks to come home to an injured baby.... i raised the lights and have the fan set on 3 now..


Active Member
Lucky the damage didnt go further then that, i had a seedling burned and it survived, you're little lady will live trough to tell the story and get you're ass high up in to the sky lol . Check out my grow when you got some spare time :)

Peace !