First CFL Grow (Help Me Out)


Well-Known Member
heyyy...take like 2 of those lights off that one plant...let it get fatter first before u start adding more...reason i say this is because those bulbs do put off a fair amout of heat....2 is plenty maybe 4-5in above for a few days.....not many is needed for such a small plant at this stage.....add more just looks like burns....
Thanks for the feedback. But, the burns aren't from those three weenie ass cfl's lol. I started like 10 seedlings under a cheap ass 2ft floro tube, 30 watts a believe. Those burns have been there since it it had leaves. I'll post some before and after pics since I got the cfl's and you guys can compare.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE:Here is the plant before the new lights were added...

Here's a couple of pictures I took this morning.... You be the judge lol.



Well-Known Member
Are you gonna just grow one plant? is that it or what
....If you would bother reading anything in this thread before posting you would know that I'm waiting on 5 feminized Snow White seeds from Nirvana. I'm also germinating reg seeds as I find them lol.


Well-Known Member
That is pretty odd man, I'm pretty sure that if the seeds got seized you would get a letter or something. Where are the seeds coming from? What type of shipping?

Tom :joint::peace:
I don't know, the website was kind of shady in my opinion. At the checkout they didn't charge me hardly anything for shipping. (At least in my opinion for priority) Under the shipping type all it said was "Priority". They also charged my friends card under the name or some bullshit which would make sense if they were trying to stay concealed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's a good idea, also after every time you water feel how heavy the pot is so you can gauge it by weight for dryness. Is the website you ordered from?

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's a good idea, also after every time you water feel how heavy the pot is so you can gauge it by weight for dryness. Is the website you ordered from?

Tom :joint::peace:
No I didn't order from lol. And if it was I better be getting a cheap ipod in the mail that you plant and turns into a weed plant.


Well-Known Member
They are pretty reliable at least from what i have heard. Give it a couple more days and then try contacting them.

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea that's what I'm gonna do. What do you know about Ph? I went to a plant store and could only find powder shit.


Well-Known Member
For soil it should be right around 6.0. If you can get dolomite lime to put in your soil before you transplant again it should stabilize pH. Other than that I dont know much about pH...

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I read that nirvana is really backed up this time of year, its growing season and everyone wants seeds. Just be patient and I am sure that they will come. How's the girl doing?

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Well I have to say that this plant is a fuckin beast... Here's the pic from my last update so you can compare the growth.

Here's the new picture...

Stereo-typical lighter comparison that everyone on RIU does lol...



Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that I got my thermometer going and its on average about 78 degrees, 32% humidity. And that's with the fan on at all times.

When should I think about changing my light cycle down to 18-6?