First CFL Grow Piako Poison


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Apparently, Piako poison is a x between good old coromandel bush and durban poison, its a very strong smoke, will put you on your arse for the best part of a day


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Cheers Bakedat420, im just lucky to have been given a decent clone. Having two plants makes you take a lot more of an interest, cos if one dies, that 50% crop fail lol


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Just a couple of snaps to mark the clone going into flower.i have tied it back to get a better space/growth ration.

Noob mistake, I feel like a dick, Realised my pots were opaque today,cant have been good for rooting. Remedied this by making pot covers from black denim pants legs, hope t does the trick


Well-Known Member
as far as i know bro,nz bush is originaly from weed that got imported back in 70's,sum by mr asia even,creating hybrids between big bud and the indicas that came over in thai sticks,so 30 odd years of acclimatizing to nz makes em really stable genes,they can take a real hammering and not herm,and are resistant to the dreaded bud rot, and obviously can get massive,the strain i got supposed to be ak47 but i suspect its bush X blueberry, the only overseas strains i have ever come across are:durban poison,ak47,white rhino,white widow,blueberry,silverskunk,skunk no.1,bubblegum,superskunk ,northern lights, fave you heard any others?


Well-Known Member
man if we start a kiwi grow thread they all wana move here lol,that durban is strong like 3 spots sleep strong,last tinnie i got was that,i'd say it was left til th last minute before they pulled it(indoor)cos it just f'n nailed me,tasted like bloody ferts tho,yuk,i hate that,one of my mates that does all his in the bush tastes like fresh blood,its foul man,goths and emo's probly love it tho lol. is it a chopped off 2L milk bottle that pot you talkin about? when i got my clone thats outside it was in one of them and had been under a 600w hps,you could see the roots all around the sides,but they all white and healthy looking it wasnt hurting it one bit? weird.bro i gotta remember to get a pick of that dudes plants d-fizzle, like 2week ago i seen em and they were big bushy mounds of green,go back last week and they looked like those chrismas trees you see abandoned on the side of the road ,beta get picks before they recover 2 much, i try get a pick of mine too for you,out of its hidey hole,cos it looks just as odd but in a different way,as i was informed in another thread it a stealth HST scrog lol?hst meaning high stress training,still dont understand th scrog bit lol, and stealth cos the pot is down inside a 2 1/2 foot hole, so i got a pot 1 foot tall then 1 1/2 foot of stalk then some brutal and totally merciless crushing and bending of the main stalk all tied down,with everything aranged to face the sun and the back side mosty empty,it has heaps of tops havnt counted but more than twelve,all of this in an effort tostop it getting bigger!cause i got neighbours on three sides that can see ova the fence,2 sets of druggies and churhys out the back arrrrrrgh i even planted it late was after christmas,and even after all the toturing and hole digging and late growing and bending horizontal and tying its still 5+ foot when it out of the hole,farkin thing lol, nz grow thread i can just see it now HELP no matter what i do my plants get to big for my space!what do i do?lol cue the immigration influx


Well-Known Member
back of the y lol b.o.t.y.,i miss that shit man lol,my all time favourite bit was and i quote lol, will you eat my shit, and drink my piss, for ten bucks? end quote.and he runs away with the ten bucks lol


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Lol @ Smoo Diver Porn Detective. Yeah that sucks about your plants getting too big, try planting them up a tree, my mate planted 4 in a cabbage tree truck that had fallen horizontally but still up high in the bush


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ooopsss just had two oily hamburgers and im so ripped i cant read the keys. lolol I guess the old bud-oil-bud burger spots are another kiwi secret


Well-Known Member
i have grown in a tree but was a macarocarpa lol, smoo diver lol,whats the one thats like mad max,but instead of running out of oil they ran out of women,and live in a post apocalyptic world fueled by a lust for porn?lol. ive always called those bud/oil burgers cocktails mmmmmmmm cocktails. The cops got a huge plot down here the other day,they were flyin it out in monsoon buckets(which they seem to have takin to a couple years back after they got a big fully seeded crop and flew it out in nets from oakura to new plymouth airport,seeded a strip about 35-40km long and half a km wide,dumb fuks thort they got there biggest eva haul the nxt year til sumbody enlightened them to the fact that they planted most of it lol)they transported it out in the monsoons back to a big curtain side truck an trailer,they filled it to them brim but that was only half of it,they had to go back and spray the rest,tha fukers, sux to be whoeva had that crop,at least thats their chopper budget blown til nxt season