First CFL grow purple jems in PC case


Active Member
VERY NICE, and just so you know. I have had males show as early as day 18. That's the earliest so far.

Keep rock the grow man.


Active Member
I seen on it last night what appears to be little preflower like things are those the nut sacks? It looks like little a flower bud that are about to open. Don't think I can get a pic cause the plant is really packed with leaves and branches


Active Member
For sure a male. I hope I can get some seeds from this. Not sure how long before I can get pollen. I have to do some reading tonight :)


Well-Known Member
That sucks that its a male, you got anything else to grow or anything else going?


Active Member
The first couple that pop will have no pollen. It takes a couple to get it going good. It took about 1 to 1.5 weeks for mine to get ripe enough to produce pollen once it showed sex.


Active Member
There are a ton of sacks on there now, How will I tell if they have popped? Will they just looked open up? Well it has been a few days at least so it should happen soon and then I have to hope it is not too late for the female purple jems. I want to save some pollen if possible to try and cross an auto Haze with the males pollen from the purple jems. maybe get an auto purple haze :) Do you know if pollen can be stored


Active Member
Post pics of your pc case and grow setup. How many cfls are you using on it?
Sorry man but that's funny shit right there. I don't care who you are.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Dude always read the thread first.

Trust me you will know when the first good one fully pops open. You will look at it and say ho yeah. It happens fast. It will also look very different from the shit your going to be staring at for the next week or so waiting for it. lol. If you can. Just let it happen, and you can get a good look at it.


Active Member
OK cool,, thats how it was when I started a grow a while back it took me a bit to be able to recognize the male now it is pretty easy. yeah I thought that was funny I always check out the first page to get feel of whats up LOL. So I see one kinda opened a bit but not all the way it grew like a WEED over night ;) So I guess I will reread that post on painting the ladies with pollen and get ready, cause I am gonna paint her even if I think it could be too late cause you never know. It will still be smokable with some seeds and if no seeds no big deal. I have like 5 or 6 more seeds to use



Active Member
You should get some seeds. I am still not totally sure how long it takes for a seed to mature. I have been doing a little testing on that. The best I can say right now is 5.5 weeks. It could be less. But save a lot of that pollen. It's good for like 6 to 9 months. If kept it in the refrigerator. The more you collect, and save the better. Then you just need to grow a lady, and bam you can make seeds.

Good luck. We're pullin for ya.


Active Member
Ok I looked at the male today and it looks like it is gonna pop out some little flowers. Is this what I am looking for? Once 1 or 2 of those open I should harvest the pollen sacks of the unopened? I did go out and buy 2 little glass jars and a couple little paint brushes.


Active Member
When I do mine I get like 5 to 10 ripe balls a day(sometimes more). I cut them off once in the morn and once at night. I do this for like a week or 2 till I get all the pollen I want. Here is a pik of one that is just about to pop. Thx to fdd for the pik.



Active Member
Also I let that dry a little. Then I take some tweezers and grab the ball at the top and give it a little squeeze just inside my collection jar and tap the side of the jar. All the pollen falls into the jar. The ones I cut in the morn I tap into the jar that night and the ones I cut at night I tap into the jar the next morn.


Active Member
So you can actually see the pollen? I think thats what I was really wondering. Thanks for all the help on this I think I will be collecting some tonight


Active Member
I collected some sacks and put them on a paper towel in a closet. Here are some pics of the female, that I hope I can get some seeds from. I am not in a hurry so if it is not a problem I can let the female go long enough to let seeds mature. This is day 43 from seed.

