first CFL grow, using hydro


Active Member

Im new to the forum, been reding alot the past couple weeks and thaught i'd post my grow here.

ok so i started a little setup in my closet with a 10 gal res and a 6 site hydro station. I have 3 clones from a seed of cronic in a bag i had recently, but am also plating some feminized skunk and red dragon that should be in shortly. i might put a couple outside just for kicks cause i dont think i'll be able to grow more then six inside anwyays. I have 8 27W veg lights and 4 40w flowering lights ( probably ganna pickup 2 more when needed).

Do you think i can grow 6 with that amount of light of veg lighting?

Any advice or comments welcomed

Illegal Smile

Sounds ok but will all 6 be ready to go into flower at the same time? Sounds like you are counting on that.


Active Member
yea well ill be germinating the seeds either tomorow or the next day and as soon as there rdy im going to put them in the system. I think im going to do about 2 1/2-3 weeks of veg so they dont get to big.


Active Member
ok so i ordered 4 feminised seeds, but only recieved 2. i guess i'll see about getting the other 2 but im only have have 5 plants going because i dont wanna wait for more seeds.

IM germinating the 2 seeds i got, sensi skunk #1, and barneys farm red dragon.

i have a question, i have never germinated seeds and put into a hydro system, but can i just place the root into the hyrdo system once its germinated or do i need to use a cube and put that in the media?


Active Member
ok well heres an update,

the 3 clones arecoming along nicely, i germinated a skunk and red dragon seed, and put the red dragon seed in the hydro system today, had about a halfinch root so well see how it comes along. should be puuting the skunk seed in later today or tomorrow, it was a litle slower germinating.

and some pics, any and all commments welcome.



Active Member
ok well after being out of town i came back to quite a bit of growth, and i have started to LST 2 of the plants. I picked up a 65W 2700k light just to have a little extra, but at the same time i think im going to put one of the 3 clones outside so i can focus the lights on just 4 plants. Also got the right order of my 4 feminized seeds so im alrdy rdy for the next gro :).

heres some pics, any comments or advice appriciated.

the water is 73 degrees and i dont have the terperature in the closet but the house stays 75, and with a fan on the lights i dont think its an issue. i also need to get the solution for my friends ph tester ( been slackin) but everything seems good for now.

my phone takes crappy pics with the lights in there so it looks dark, idk why.



Active Member
ok well heres another update, the 2 clones have started forming some nice bud sites and look good, :) . I only stuck with the LST on one plant and it has definently paid off. I also just fimmed my red dragon plant today and put the clone in a litle dresser setup i made.

have switched to using bottled water and swapping out frozen 2 liters to keep the water temps in the high 60's. Im also very close to ordering a 250w HPS system and relocating the cfls elsewhere to have a veg/flower setup and harvest more often, i think the buds would be alot bigger/denser than what cfls can offer but ill see.

