First CFL grow with NO cash spent!

Thanks, I never thought of that. Was to worried about something I may have done, but I have moved my lights around a couple times through the day and has seemed to help!

On another topic I've only topped one(Jennifer, first pic in post above), and it looks like the space I have to use will allow me to go up three feet but not real wide. seeing as how these are already kinda bushy, should I wait to top the other three or top them now and once more before vegging?
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:....WOW am i late !!But so glad to see such a great first grow ,that is the best example i have seen of Lst and using single bulb cfl ,She is a champ,forget if you named her ,CD would help ya pic a name hes good at that great job!!
hope its as tasty as it looks,now i am off to take 5 week flowering pics of my girls for update,,....peace and bong hits for all !!!

HEY CD i love the "pin wheel " awesome lol:leaf::clap:
I think I was looking at a number of things, they got too dry then nute treated then transplanted with probable overwatering then second dose of nutes from the new soil and the fan fell and broke one of the bulbs! Needless to say they been through there fair share of stress, but all is well so far after some extensive babying. Will post some pics later tonight.

Can anyone help with the topping question?
hey careful around that broken bulb, mercury isnt a fun thing bro,,,,,, top em while theyre young the longer you wait th more they strech
a lot of growers top at 4 nodes high,some pinch off the top, some use scissors, and others use a razor blade. it really doesn't matter you just have to keep it clean and sterile. use rubbing alcohol. if you need pictures check out sub's techniques in sub's old school organic's good luck man
Thanks guys will check those out for sure. The girls look alot better but the lower leaves that turned are still yellow and not sure if I should cut them off or not. Still trying to get some pics having probs with my comp so i haven't had time to get on and check out my subs sorry guys!

hey careful around that broken bulb, mercury isnt a fun thing bro,,,,,, top em while theyre young the longer you wait th more they strech
Will the powder from the bulbs fuck with the plants? I cleaned the glass out as much as I could but I'm sure there's still some residue in there and i just watered last night oops!
don't cut em off,let the plant use em up. also i'm thinking your girls have a cal/mg issue. when you use ro water everything is removed during the process. what is your tap water like city/country do you know the ph. one thing you can do is get some epsom salts this will help with the mg issue. try like a half a tsp. and sprinkle on top of the soil. or you can get cal/mg and add it to your water. actually i would prob do both. the biggest thing is to not freak out. it takes alot of work and studying to get good at growing mj. she's not like any other plant i've grown. i wish you and your plants all the best. i'll be here all the way so just have fun and learn
Sounds good but may be too late! Seems like I'm showing every bad sign listed in the mj problem forum and don't have any money to invest in any type of testers or anything else, flushing them now and may try the Epson salt but if things aren't looking better by morning then I'm probably taking them to the compost pile. Not to say i don't want to fix em its just that from what I've seen elsewhere I'm beyond the point of no return! Still trying to fix my pos comp so i can at least show some pics. What sucks the most ass is it was random luck i came across these four seeds and i won't be able to get my hands on anymore, fuck it!
don't do that yet! try to get some pics up and we'll go from there damn i wish i could be more help i am truly sorry bro
don't do that yet! try to get some pics up and we'll go from there damn i wish i could be more help i am truly sorry bro

Sorry if I seemed bitter, youve actually helped me from doing more damage. Just irritating that I couldn't get pics up sooner for some better diagnosing. Working on getting a couple up in the next few minutes. Thanks again for being patient.
So your prob. Getting worse? What do u think is wrong? Id do one thing ata time. Flushing turned mine around.100%.prob. W/mg soil( ONLY IMO) when u flush it releases more ferts?im not good enuff to diagnose more than my own mistakes tho.was just sayin'.
Sorry guys I got them turned around and looking good but got called to a job out of state, tried setting timer and used some old watering bulbs and both failed while I was gone and are now dead. I couldn't find a baby sitter in time and I am completely heart broken but have gained experience from this and will be ordering some seeds this week any suggestions where I should go through?

P.s. I'll be online later to see what I've missed on your grows, im on borrowed internet right now.
i suggest the attitude & tga gear. sorry to hear that your babies are gone. thats a real bummer. i'll talk to ya later, take care bro.