First CFL Grow


Active Member
Hey this is my first grow EVER, so i kinda need some input. I've got 3 26watt 6500k CFLs and one 60watt bulb to keep the heat since im growing in my attic during January. There are 3 plants going, the first 2 have sprouted and have little leaves on them. Today i just added a small computer fan to help circulate the air. My temp was at 77 degrees last time i checked



Active Member
Hey this is my first grow EVER, so i kinda need some input. I've got 3 26watt 6500k CFLs and one 60watt bulb to keep the heat since im growing in my attic during January. There are 3 plants going, the first 2 have sprouted and have little leaves on them. Today i just added a small computer fan to help circulate the air. My temp was at 77 degrees last time i checked
you would need some type of reflective materials so that light isn't wasted. Get more CFLs (maybe higher then a 26w). What type of soil, how big is your container? you would need to include those so that we whould know what we need to help you with.


Active Member
I'm using jiffy pots (you can buy them at walmart for a buck) they are about 4in by 4in. Miracle-Gro Potting Mix, is the name of the soil im using


Well-Known Member
build a reflector or something...when you go to transplant out of the MG get a soil with no could probably get by with some MG but i noticed since I switched the plants are growing faster...


Active Member
One thing i would be careful with is that your using cardboard for your grow box, make sure your confident in any of your electrical rigging, other than that, I would defenitly use non ferted soil, and then get some nutes from a local grow store, dont use MG for nutes either, you will get nute burn alot easier. It has a really high N-P-K. Try something like Fox Farm in the 3 pack. It has Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom, its really easy to use for beginners, cause they give you a big fold out poster thing that shows you a chart of how much to feed week by week. Hopefully this helps some, Good Luck!!