First cfl grow

3 weeks old, grown in a cupboard that is 2' x 2' x 2' using 3 25 watt cfls, il add photos shortly

They are only bagseeds but from the best bud ive ever smoked, they have been on 12/12 from seed aswell, its my first grow so im just gonna have some fun and whatever bud i get i get :)
Just curious tho, how much dry bud do you think i could get?


Well-Known Member
They look fine :) coming along great.. What lights are you using??

Check my grow in my sig it might help you out along the way :leaf


Active Member
They are looking good man! What type of soil are you using? it's hard to tell how much you'll get this early on and also you have to take in account nutes and growing conditions....if everything goes well maybe a couple of ounces?

but why did you start from 12/12 though?


Well-Known Member
Yeah they look good man.
You'll need some more cfl's in a month or so though.
Are you going to use cfl's the whole grow?
They are looking good man! What type of soil are you using? it's hard to tell how much you'll get this early on and also you have to take in account nutes and growing conditions....if everything goes well maybe a couple of ounces?

but why did you start from 12/12 though?
Thanks for the reply psuedoscience!
Im using yates seedling mix, i havent got a big grow space to have big plants so i thought i could just make them bud straight up so they would be smaller? But i decided to just put them in 18/6 because i can just get another cupboard :)
I just put another two in today :) so now i have 5 bulbs, and i also took two of the plants out and just focusing the light on one so it will be much better :)


Active Member
Thanks for the reply psuedoscience!
Im using yates seedling mix, i havent got a big grow space to have big plants so i thought i could just make them bud straight up so they would be smaller? But i decided to just put them in 18/6 because i can just get another cupboard :)
oh I see but I you make them grow straight up you're gonna need more light on top and on the sides cus cfls don't really penetrate that far. What I would suggest is is to LST(low stress training) if you do this it would help you control how tall you want them and help the lights hit those bottom nodes even better.


Well-Known Member
just know when i use CFL's i had 15 lights on 2 plants and got this... so yes you'll need a lot more lights...


Active Member
Keep an eye on them for their sex, if you see any balls where the stems meet then get rid of those boys! You only want females. :D