first clone grow!!... ice and skunk


Well-Known Member
del buddie your plants have always looked 100% sweet as fook mate i think u got to grips wid ur lights prtty good already lol
makes me want my eco lights back and a shit hot strain lol
these clones are starting to piss me off man like you said a few pages back suprised its even weed lol..
its the small buds on the ice plants they stink like fuk but they small as shit so i dont realy think they are worth the effort of growing..
the supposed nl clone i put in flower yesterday well only time will tell if they are nl man cause i have looked at enough pics to know it should have one big as fuck bud on the top even if its a clone under a 125w light
so if it dont thats it man its gona give it the chop..
but if it does have a nice fat bud then i still got anuva in veg to be a mother so fingers crossed she is what i hope she is!!
i did see the pack that he bought of nl seeds but could of beed bag seed clone for all i know!!


Well-Known Member
yeah hope it turns out good for you m8, if you go enviro just keep space tight, my grow is 18 deep,33 hi plus lights and 28 wide,heat hasnt been an issue so far but we will know more in summer,buy youself some good seeds m8 so you know what your dealing with, cheeky fuckers round here.


Well-Known Member
yeah hope it turns out good for you m8, if you go enviro just keep space tight, my grow is 18 deep,33 hi plus lights and 28 wide,heat hasnt been an issue so far but we will know more in summer,buy youself some good seeds m8 so you know what your dealing with, cheeky fuckers round here.
yea i might turn the wardrobe sideways doit like that man short and fat lol..
i never had heat problems with my enviro lights mate an i grow with a water heater in my grow room lol so you should be cool i think!!
n yea i have some seeds still im gona veg the fukrs get em so i can take a clone then see what we come out with..
my first grow journal's plants were nice had big fat buds n shit n i still got those seeds 2 so thats what im gona do mate..
one cracked open yesterday its in the soil so now its just a waiting game really:-P
i feel like i jumped stright back to square one man its a cunt lol


Well-Known Member
tis a long and winding road and its always a fucker when things go wrong, stress stress stress ,you can get purple enviros now to use for veg and flower.


Well-Known Member
i need to start over!!
pests are killing me so......
my areas been dry as a bone for weed these last few weeks cause of the snow so i helped a few mates out tonight lol young weed

all my plants and soil are now gone so i can start again:lol:

had a nice clean out today and got a couple things in the hydro shop lol my ph reader i knew i needed what reads my water ph as a steady 10.8 lmao an also got some mylar yay!!!
o an some dirt bar:lol:

this clone grow went tits up from day one glad its over to be honest the weed tasted like shit so i was more than happy to give it away and buy some solid lol

i'll be back with a new grow soon i hope..


Well-Known Member
sure uk you have had it bad m8, you guna check the ph of that hash lol. sure you will soon be back at it m8 you know it makes sense.


Well-Known Member
lol yea mate i will be back very soon man im goin to get more seeds today i hope so i aint gona be away long...

few hours at the most:lol:

oh yea i found out that my hot water tap gives out a steady 11.0 ph lol
gona slap a bucket outside n use some rain water for the next grow maybe and only use tap water wen i ave 2..

saying that... if i did use rain water wont there be bugs init? or isit not much to worry about i just dont wana ave the same shit happen twice that would jus do my nut in:wall:


Well-Known Member
so my space has been upgraded with the mylar its chucking out alot of light now n it feels good to know im starting again:-P
just got back with my seeds no soil yet gona get it later maybe or tomora when my seeds start to germ...
got a fly trap to catch any stray gnats that didnt go out with the soil yesterday so here we go again from seed...yay:lol:


Well-Known Member
plenty of seeds there m8, fook 11 on the scale ,man thats shit, i best check mine lol
yea i thought it was enough to keep me goin for a few weeks:lol:
bet your plants looking nice as hell mate!
im gona do 12-12 on the few seeds i have germin now an see what i have