First cloning attempt


White widow... Cloned a small branch...doesn't look like it's doing very well...used Rootech solut. using T5 light, keeping moist. What's going wrong?! =(



Well-Known Member
Sometimes the leave will yellow up if it has been more than 12 days give it a small dose of nutrients.Just cut the yellow back to the green.Watch the thc labs clip on you tube the fat fucker drives you mad but he knows his shit.The most important thing on any clone is the roots once the root system gets going it will all be fine.I sometimes even flush the cubes back with just water ph'ed at 5.5 then a couple of days after add a little feed like multithrive or if the clones are more than 14 days old i feed them plant start.But i still mist the leaves till i know that the roots are good.Has long has the top looks like it has new growth it will come on soon.


Oh yeah, it's only been three-four days. My area is in an extreme heat wave right now and so it's incredibly hot in my apartment. The lights from my other grows don't help... so I'm misting very frequently. No sign of roots yet...but I have such a hard time actually getting the cube out of the plastic bed I'm afraid of doing damage. Use two straws like chopsticks and weasel it out.
I've never cut back yellow from green before...just use pruning shears and trim off the yellow?