First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Do i need to balance the PH in my spray bottle before I spray the plants and should I soak the rockwool in balanced Ph or soak it through the the fossit.
to be honest - i'd recommend you avoid the pH issues common to rockwool and use a different rooting medium. i really like rapid rooters - they are moist and last forever and are not bad for your health and environment like rockwool.


Well-Known Member
i know this has nothing to do with this post but how do i make my own post?
ps nice plant
don't want to hijack this thread but - when you are in the forum (like Newbie Central, Indoor Growing, Organics, etc..) you want to post a new thread. Scroll down towards the bottom of the page and you'll see a button that says "New Thread". Just click on it and type your post like any other and hit submit and that's it - a new thread is born.


Well-Known Member
to be honest - i'd recommend you avoid the pH issues common to rockwool and use a different rooting medium. i really like rapid rooters - they are moist and last forever and are not bad for your health and environment like rockwool.
thank you very much for the heads up email. Had no idea rockwool was bad for your health, what does it do?? I really need to make a trip to the hydro store, been a few weeks since I've been. I will definently invest in rapid rooters, guess it's too late to take clones again so I guess this will have to wait till next time.


Well-Known Member
thank you very much for the heads up email. Had no idea rockwool was bad for your health, what does it do?? I really need to make a trip to the hydro store, been a few weeks since I've been. I will definently invest in rapid rooters, guess it's too late to take clones again so I guess this will have to wait till next time.
it has fiberglass in it which is not good for the environment nor is it good to get into your lungs. plus the little fibers easily slip under your skin.

but don't get too worried - many, many growers use it - just wear gloves (and long sleeves) if you are cutting large amounts of it - if you are just using the plugs - the danger is nearly non-existent.

It's not like they are deadly or anything like that :)

But when you combine the slight danger with the pH problems, i have a hard time understanding why so many growers continue to use them when there are other medium out there that works better (or at least just as well).

One thing i haven't done (that might answer my question) is a price comparison - maybe rockwool is far cheaper than any of the alternatives. but may be something worth keeping in mind.


Well-Known Member
nice photos
I can't make out what cloning chemical you used however.
I have some common everyday Rootone I got at a nursery (powder)
that I used to try and stunt my plants stretching but I want the scoop
on different kinds for when clone time comes.


Well-Known Member
I am using Rootech, its a gel that i got from the hydro store for like $12 US. so far the clones leaves are a little droopy but I'm guessing that's normal.

Should I spray the dome and the plants every day?


Well-Known Member
Woohoo, thats great - stretch being a girl :D

Got my fingers crossed for her babies, she's gonna start filling out soon too T :D

Glad to see all is still going well, sorry about Juana bty :(

All mine are slight hermies - it's only the bottom few branches, apart from that tho they're looking ok :D


Well-Known Member
Woohoo, thats great - stretch being a girl :D

Got my fingers crossed for her babies, she's gonna start filling out soon too T :D

Glad to see all is still going well, sorry about Juana bty :(

All mine are slight hermies - it's only the bottom few branches, apart from that tho they're looking ok :D
hermies are smokable! :joint:


Well-Known Member
hermies are smokable! :joint:
Yes, it's ok, I'm keeping them going I was gonna re-veg & take cuttings, don't think I'll bother now tho,

The balls are well were only on like the bottom of the plant I tweezered the little suckers off tho, I know I prob wont find them all, but I'll keep tweezing til I see no more :lol:


Well-Known Member
juana was getting COVERED in sacks, it was ridiculous. She almost looked like a male cause it was 98% balls 2% white hairs. Really wasn't worth trying to save in my opinion. Can anyone telll me if I should be spraying my dome and plants every day?


Well-Known Member
juana was getting COVERED in sacks, it was ridiculous. She almost looked like a male cause it was 98% balls 2% white hairs. Really wasn't worth trying to save in my opinion. Can anyone telll me if I should be spraying my dome and plants every day?
I have been and it seems to be doing some good with them


Well-Known Member
***** CORRECTION ******

In an earlier post i was warning against using rockwool - i misspoke and said rockwool was made from fiberglass - THIS IS INCORRECT - i had meant to say fiberglass-like! To be clear - rockwool is not fiberglass.

The rest of the post can stand as is - sorry for any inconvenience this misinformation may have caused.


Well-Known Member
ha fair enough. I think ive my plants turn hermie then i'd try that although like you said it may be difficult locating them all. (That is if my plants even make it.... they seem to be getting worse everyday :( )


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone had a great 4/20!! I don't really remember anything from yesterday, so it must have been a good one! I'm here with some nice close ups of Stretch.



Plant Height
3.3 ft Stretch

Will be changing the water tomorrow after work. The next water feeding will be at full 3/4 strength with a PPM of 1500. It will get this amount of nutes and PPM all the way till the end of week 5. I figure since I'm only feeding one plant, I'll use 9 gallons of water instead of 6 gallons so I won't have to re-fill for a couple of weeks. If anyone forsees a problem doing it this way please let me know.

Stretch has practically stopped her vertical growth. I'm seeing white hairs popping out everywhere the top. It's still working its way slowly down the plant. Hopefully in the next 3-4 days I'll see a bud, CAN'T WAIT!!! For the time being I have some close ups! Enjoy!

Edit: sweet i'm upgraded to Pothead :joint:



Well-Known Member
She's looking great T :D

You can see all the crystals forming in the first pic :D
I'll bet she's loving all that extra room, now she can soak all the light up to herself :D

Glad to hear you had a good 420 bty :D


Well-Known Member
DAmn man, shes looking fucking beautiful!! It seems like forever before you can smoke her huh lmfao!! :) I switch to 12/12 Next tuesday if everything goes well, and i cant wait!! UGH! lmfao to think its another 60 + days after that week ! Anyway good job keep up the good work n updates :P


Well-Known Member
Hey gg,

thanks for the kind words! I know I can't really see them in the grow op but the camera points them out quite clearly!!! This is so exciting, I kinda regret throwing Juana away now, but I think it will pay off in the end as she really is enjoying all that extra space and light like you said. xx