First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Hehe hey gg, thanks alot! I'm hoping these clones survive so I can just keep this going!! When I get these seeds, I might tear up a little. :mrgreen: xx

On another note, I'm leaving for the hydro store to pick up some more dutchmaster nutes, and to get some garden string so I can tie down the tops. I'll post pictures when I finish tying them down.

Any tips on the best way to tie them down would be very much appreciated! Thanks!!!

Hey T :D
I'll keep my fingers crossed for them :D
Email left a comment on page 12 of my journal, he said to tie then I'm( presuming near the top) with string then tie the other end of string round a brick then you can wind the string round the brick to bend them further each day x


Well-Known Member
conversion bulbs (it is said) are less potent than using the ballast/bulb without conversion. so a 400w MH conversion would NOT be equivalent to a 400w HPS (and vice-versa) - though i wonder if this still holds true with newer bulb technology as this info is coming from possibly dated sources.
hrm keep very interesting indeed. Gotta look into it


Well-Known Member
Hey T :D
I'll keep my fingers crossed for them :D
Email left a comment on page 12 of my journal, he said to tie then I'm( presuming near the top) with string then tie the other end of string round a brick then you can wind the string round the brick to bend them further each day x
no need to post my response! awesome :joint:


Well-Known Member
that is very good info! I don't exactly have a brick so I'll find something that is around the same weight and size. I'm going to finish eating my lunch and start tying them down. I'll post pics as soon as I'm done, wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
I should say that the brick idea is not my own - a fellow RIU'er suggested. unfortunately, i can not recall who.


Well-Known Member
good luck brotha! Peace!!!
Thanks bro, update coming up in minutes!

Hey enigma! thanks for subscribing, glad to see ya joining the ride!!

I should say that the brick idea is not my own - a fellow RIU'er suggested. unfortunately, i can not recall who.
Hehe, none the less, it's great information! I'm using a pretty heavy candle to hold it down which is working great!

Goodluck T :D

Hey you having anything good for lunch ?
Thanks GG, lol nope just some heart-attack fast food. Making lasagna for dinner though, homemade :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Alright here's some pictures of my LST.​

I am using Hemp string to tie down the tops. I have them being held down by a pretty heavy candle, and another top is tied to a mount on the wall. I will tighten the string once a week.​

Let me know what yall think, and if there is anything I need to do or not need to do. Thanks everyone for your support and comments!​



Well-Known Member
Yummy I love Lasagne :D

The LSTing looks good T :D
Should keep stretchette from getting burned :D
haha the lasagna was good, I saved you a plate :mrgreen:
The lst is looking good so far i'll be posting pics when I get off work. xxx

yeah those lower branches should be able to get a lot of light too.
yeah so far, they are loving the extra light. My lower branches are starting to get stronger already because of it.

Lookin awesome man looking awesome ;P Glad to see all 4-5 of us peoples are having alright grows ;P
Lol as alto said...knock on wood!! I'm hoping I can make it to the end without doing something stupid and ruining my harvest.

hahahaha man i love lst
i did on my blueberry hash plants
yeah bro I've been keeping up with your journal and its coming out very nice!! I'm really liking this LST, especially with this sativa, I can tell I'm going to get some nice twisted buds!!