First closet grow, CFL's and MG!


Well-Known Member
Pics are from Monday and today, plant sprouted 11/9, and I just fed for first time on Tuesday evening, after the lowest set of leaves was yellowing, and rest of it started to get a little light.
Right now, It's only 2 1/2" tall, but I'm just curious, as I have already noticed the first pause in leaf growth, so I was wondering how long most guys leave theirs in the solo cups before the new home.Pic3nov29_zpse69ff0ef.jpgPic1nov29_zpsf3a67f70.jpgPic2nov29_zps2fd71d0a.jpgPic2nov26_zps7da2e9fc.jpgPic3nov26_zps29697c40.jpgPic4nov26_zpsba4db43f.jpg


Well-Known Member
I use em and cut slits at the bottom on 2 sides,just watch the bottom for root circling about 3 weeks for me.My red Solo cup lets have party.

Tht one needs transplanting.




Well-Known Member
Thanks man.It's not really visible in my pics, but I took a 3/16 drill bit, and gently put 4 holes per side all the way around the bottom in the little rim that runs from the bottom to the rounded part.I have been looking at it for the last week or so, since before my son came last week, thinking (I'm going to start calling it a "she" since the seed came from my collection that gave 3 out of 3 females last time)she wanted transplanted, hence the slowing and curling of the leaves.