First Closet Grow with Envirolites


Active Member
2 weeks 3days into flowering and still one of my babys is still not showing sex.

Well not entirely, there are some clumpy looking budsites that seem to be getting hairy. I'll just hang out and see what happen's.

Pic 4 has some ball like activity thats on the plant. But the same balls appeared on another one which eventually flowered, so fingers and eyes crossed.

The other suspect plant that i was worried about has begun producing hairs all over the shop :mrgreen:
I have stuck some mylar on the closet door's because they were the only things in there that was not white! Should help a little:hump:

Comments, as alway's, welcomed!



Well-Known Member
Its hard to stay patient waiting isnt it. 17 days is a long time to wait, but if it hasnt shown balls yet, its probabley a girl. Lookin good.


Active Member
Congratu'malations are in order!!
There all girl's!! Had a look last night and seen the first sign of hairage on the last plant to show sex!
I've officially got five females:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I didnt doubt them for a minute. They were taking way to long to be males. Very nice flame, ill be sticking around for the next update.


Active Member
Thx for the comments and Q's, always welcome.:hump:

I've been slacking a bit on the updates, so i'll give a nice juicy one with lots of pic's!!

I'm now 3 week's and 3 day's into flowering (so i have a good few weeks until i'm smoking some end product).
and the budsites have really exploded up.
There's been some weird, but beautiful, growth on some of the girl's due to the FIM trim i did some time back.
Hopefully the pics will express the freaky growth.

Lowryder is doing great considering the hard knock life it's had. If plants had social services I think she'd be in a foster home by now.
And for some reason the LR#2 i am growing, which was taken from a batch is not as fully formed as it's sister's. Two of which a friend is growing and his seem ridiculously bigger than mine.
I have been pondering why his two are towering over my little one and have put it down to a number of factors.
1. he has been veging on blue spec enviro @ 24/0 since the start and has continued this right thru with the adding of a red spec envirolite.
2. he has his planted in bigger pot's, from the start!
3.he hasn't smashed the fuck out've his plants at all. Not even once:?
And he had less plants in a little bit bigger grow area.
Could be any and all of the above and many other factor's i have'nt pondered up yet. (I Must get him to pop some pics up of his plants cause they look sweet)

As for this first batch of pic's,
First is the Lowryder#2
Second is a shot of the four cali orange in the closet.
Rest are from the LR#2

Flametop out!



Active Member
Really crazy growth on this little minx.
I am really liking her.
She's a spunky girl with lots a appeal.
I shall name her Christina.
After Christina Aguleg.. agurel..agumer...Fuck it
Christina Ricci.:mrgreen:



Active Member
we have this leggy baby!
For that very reason she will be called penny.
After The king of leggy blondes latest, er, leggy blonde.
Rod stewart's, Penny Lancaster!:mrgreen:

You can also just about see my DIY c02 thing.
Basically yeast, sugar and water, fermenting away, producing c02!!



Active Member
They all seem to swell out a bit when i take them out of the room but they cope well in the tight closet.
Sink or swim technology i think.
The new shoots created during topping are kinda flimsy but they streach up and cope well kinda resting on each other a bit.
Pretty uniform growth also, so they don't compete too much for light
But that said, i will scale down my future grows to 2/3 plants!


Well-Known Member
lookin good flamy, looks like were about even in budding right now. I got some closeups of my girls at your request. Yours dont look bad though, coming along nicely. Keep it up.


Active Member
i was under the impression that lowryder 2, cos it 100% autoflowering, it has an extremely short vegetative cycle, so really you should only need your red spec enviro for her to be pretty happy. maybe your friends are bigger because of the pots, or different lights maybe?
yeah would be good to see pics, how much larger are they?


Active Member
i was under the impression that lowryder 2, cos it 100% autoflowering, it has an extremely short vegetative cycle, so really you should only need your red spec enviro for her to be pretty happy. maybe your friends are bigger because of the pots, or different lights maybe?
yeah would be good to see pics, how much larger are they?
I would say that his plants are double the size of mine.
My mate's a new member here, so i'll tell him to get his finger out and get a journal on the go!


Active Member
4 Weeks and 5 days into flowering
Bombed out on some fine ass weed that doin the rounds,
so i'll keep it short and sweet.
The buds on the cali's look like, what i can only describe as afro's.
And i got a nice pic of under the canopy! to see how little light is getting thru the canopy

heres some pics:peace:

