First closet grow... With some noob questions

So I am obviously a first time grower. I am going to construct my grow room in a 2 by 2 closet area. The closet has no door, and is about 9 foot tall. I am using 4 100 watt daylight CFL's for the first stage. I also have a 4 foot two bulb shop light that I intend on putting on 1 of the sides of the closet also with daylight bulbs. I have seeds that are germinating nicely and will be ready to plant in a few days. For now my main questions are about soil and light cycles. I am looking to get everything from lowes or home depot. I am unsure exactly what soil to get. Also with the plant being so young how many bulbs should I use at first? Also what size pot should I start with? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks!