first closet grow with UFO


Well-Known Member
It would depend on the wavelength.. Find the wavelength, cross reference that with a photosynthesis response curve's multiplier for that wavelength, and multiply by the number of watts of led light.. High output leds though do produce a decent amount of heat don't forget.. With led its alot easier to determine because they are monochromatic, a single multiplication can tell you the PAR watts.. HIDs have a number of colors, but they make it even more complex by integrating under a best fit curve of their output spectrum, rather than summing the individual transitions.. Just a bullshit scheme to look cooler than they really are.. Exactly like cfl equivalent watts, or funnier yet - PMPO speaker ratings..


Well-Known Member
the light is working beautifully for now so im stoked on it i might have to invest in a hps later on tho..thanks for replys ill keep it posted let u guys kno how it goes


Well-Known Member
hey u guys update on the growth..i topped the two aussie blues and one ww for now to let the others catch up but all is looking pretty good..i was wondering tho since most of u say the ufo wont be enough for flowering will a add of a 150 hps system be enough to boost the situation????


Well-Known Member
will a add of a 150 hps system be enough to boost the situation????
Always buy the biggest HPS you can afford. You can almost never have too much light, and for each step up you get better results.

I'd also hang the HPS a couple feet above the plants when you switch because the brightness of the HPS compared to the UFO might kill them if you try and adjust them too fast.

for your size you should at least get a 400 watter. It will do a 4x4 area. 600 watt will do a 6x6 area while a 150 HPS will do a 2x2 area. That should give you some idea on what you'll need. Don't forget about ventilation.


Well-Known Member
of the light or of the plants today?...and i wanted to add the hps to the ufo so it would be both in there with combined watts of 750


Well-Known Member
come on guys lets get some feed back i know ur all interested and have ur opinions on the light so lets here it...and now im thinking of adding a 400w hps for flowering from hid hut sound good????:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I said I didn't want to get into a big argument here, stated it was my personal opinion and asked to keep us updated on the grow.
I can appreciate the fact that you don't want to argue, after all -ignorance is bliss. But if you change your mind, here are my responces:

I do understand the theory behind it
No, I don't think you really do.

You really believe that ? If plants didn't care about Lumens then you would have the same yield with a 150 HPS as a 1000 watt HPS.
Yeah, I really do! Let me restate your statement, because you are really missing the point. "If lumens were so important then you would have about the same yield with a 150 HPS as a 1,000 watt Quartz Halogen". Both lights radiate about the same amount of lumens (+or- 10%), the only thing that is substancially different is the ratio of PAR light - the Halogens have virtually zip. "No PAR light - no photosynthesis!" That is why plants couldn't care less about lumens, because lumens don't power photosynthesis, PAR light does!!! Quartz Halogen lights suck as grow lights, not because they can't put out the lumens - but because they can't put out the PAR light.

So I say again "Lumens - Schmoomens!" It is my contention that a, relative, few lumens (from the proper wavelength bands) will kick the "puscilanimous ass" of a much higher number of wideband (non PAR) lumens (when it comes to growing plants). In other words, "Par light is all that and a bag of chips!! Lumens ain't shit!"

Looks like you just copied and pasted a bunch of info from websites selling the LED lights, you are probably selling them yourself is why the big lecture.
You are wrong again sir! This just happens to be what I know about light from a whole shitload of research - the truth really is "out there".
As a matter of fact I don't sell them! But I am interested, especially as to why they seem to veg rather well but kinda suck at flowering.


Well-Known Member
Wow, You win, you are way too smart for me.

Congratulations, teach us some more.


Well-Known Member
Oh and THC cammo lumens def matter, of course spectrum is important but the more lumens the larger the yield.
Lumens are just a standard unit of measure that the "lighting industry" uses, it is based on how bright a given light source will appear to the human eye. Given the fact that the human eye is much more sensitive to the center of the spectrum (and less so to the reds and blues that power photosynthesis) - PAR light carries a lot less lumens. That is important to you and me because of the way light wavelengths and lumens interact inside our eyes.

Plants don't have complicated light organs like eyes - so they don't care about lumens, they just need to get enough PAR light to grow. However many lumens that takes is purely a coincidence. Like you, yourself, noted above - UFO led grow lights do just fine in the veg stage - that, by deffinition, demonstrates that they are putting out adequate amounts of PAR light. At the same time the UFO led light is putting out hardly any lumens - what does that tell you?

You do sound like you cut and pasted that stuff from an led website buddy... How many grows do you have under your belt?
Beleive it or not - I didn't cut and paste any of that - I wrote the whole thing off the top of my head, that's just the way I talk (or at least the way I type when I'm trying to get something accross). I'll have to admit, I probably don't have as many grows under my belt as some, I started growing in the early 90's - got a little bit serious in the mid 90's - found the internet in the late 90's (that's when I said to myself "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"!

So anyway - if the way I write sounds a little stuffy, it's just because I'm an "old fart" - I'll be 63 early next year!

nunya binnis

Active Member
hydro shop in my town tested it against 400w hps. said it was horrible. the plants were growing, but shying away from the UFO itself. yielded 1/2 the harvest of the 400w.

they did it in separate tents on a hydro table.

UFO sucks. i went through a "led craze" myself until i was told about this test. sorry for your loss man....


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why no one wants to buy a HPS setup for $100 because it costs too much but then will go drop $600 for an LED setup that is marginal at best.


Well-Known Member
How high above the plants is your UFO? you would think since no heat it could be right over them.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why no one wants to buy a HPS setup for $100 because it costs too much but then will go drop $600 for an LED setup that is marginal at best.
I think you'll find that more people grow with HPS than LED. I've heard of many who have tried LED's - but none of them (or very few at best) have stuck with LED's as their primary grow lights thoughout the whole process from veg to flower. LED's do seem to work fairly well for other plants - they just don't seem to be able to flower cannabis very well (perhaps on a par with CFL's).

I'm sure that the long range economy of LED's is what people find interesting, that's what sucked me in to begin with.
1. Sure, they cost more to buy in, but you only have to pay the purchase price once.
2. They run on a rediculousely low amount of watts (you can save about $30. per month on the electric bill).
3. They produce almost no heat at all, so big, expensive, ventilation systems can be greatly reduced. Even CFL's produce enough heat to be a problem - LED's are cool by comparison!
4. An LED's lifespan is several years, compare that to the cost of replacing HID bulbs every so often.
It all adds up! I figure that you'd break even in a couple of years, or so, after that it's all gravy! Of course, all of this is assuming that LED's could produce a good crop of cannabis year after year - this is where the story turns to shit - this is where I fell off the LED train!

LED's don't perform as well as they should when it comes to flowering cannabis!!! I have seen several different theories why (I even have my own), but nobody seems to have a definitive answer as to why they don't do as well as promised in this area. In "theory", they should do well - in "fact", they don't! It's like a Bumblebee, only backwards; in "theory" they shouldn't be able to fly - in "fact" they do!

I only maintain an interest in LED grow lights in hopes that someone will discover "The Missing Link" - that "little something" that really delivers (to cannabis growers) what the LED makers have been promising all this time.


Well-Known Member
by T.H.Cammo

I'll take that as sarcasm - if not, then I apolagize! What is it, about light, that you would like to know more about?
The light I'd like to know more about is the one firing up the peace pipe so we can get back to helping people improve their grows instead of bickering about the atomic structure of LED's and how they are going to lead us to world peace.


Well-Known Member
my led is over a foot above the top of the plants...the light is made to shine directly down so i needed to move it higher to spread the light to all the plants