First Dresser Grow~


Active Member
Well what i was planing on doing, was transplanting them into coco once the soil gets kinda 50/50 moist/dry and then feed them with some 20-20-20. So the little vail ph test kit is not accurate at all? i mean it cant be so far off that its alot to worrie about... or is it? The strain is Madness from World of Seeds ^_^ Once again thanks for your guys help. Also a little side note... these white blotches are still on my plant >.>


Active Member
The test won't work with water/nute mixture.. When you add nutes to your water it changes color so using a ph color test kit is useless.


Active Member
Ok well... Im broke... I can barly aford the coco mix, so its going to have to do for now :P Little side note... One leaf is starting to show liiiiitle yellow dots... im still guessing its because there is no nutes in the soil or anything so i really need to transplant ASAP. Any ideas about the White blotches? should i post pics?


Well-Known Member
yep pics are always good but i just wouldnt worry about it, trying to fix problems when there is so much going on will probably cause more problems do a good transplant and feed lightly and everything should work itself out


Active Member
yep pics are always good but i just wouldnt worry about it, trying to fix problems when there is so much going on will probably cause more problems do a good transplant and feed lightly and everything should work itself out
I agree you need to transplant asap.


Active Member
Im buying some coco mix tommorow or Monday depending on what is open. ^_^ Then feeding the plant with 20-20-20 and i hope i should be good to go.


Active Member
When you transplant just give it a small dose of nutes to start. I would go with 1/4 strength seeing as how your using 20-20-20. When I used 12-4-6 I went with a half dose when they were small. Just be careful using high P and K during veg the extra might cause salt build up in your soil.


Active Member
Using the nutes in the pic.. Shouldn't it be 5-1-4 if you use the grow and micro? How are you getting a 20-20-20 mixture?

What can you keep your temps at with a 600w light in there?? Also how long has it been from sprout to where your at now? Seems like you have a great start with good equipment(minus ph meter!) and its very strange how they won't grow. It has to be something you did with nutes. When I used a store bought potting soil I didn't feed nutes until they were almost 10inches tall.


Active Member
Yeah i've... 'We' have narowed it down to somthing i did with nutes when the plant was smaller... also i've just been having bad luck with growing. Anyways... I have a little white container in the middle of all that, its 20-20-20 fert. The 3 part nutes are my regular nutes i feed with, im just giving them a bit of 20-20-20 after transplant, since they were flushed 2 days ago. My temp stays at around 90(F) no signs of heatstress, mainly because i have the fan directly on the plant. And to be 100% honest i dont keep track of my plants age untill i start flowering it. Im guessing its around a month. ROUGHLY!
EDIT: Do you see the white and yellow spots i mentioned earlier. ^_^

Cheers, Chris!


Active Member
So i just transplanted both my plants. Small one into a... im not sure the measurement but its small ^_^. and the otherone into a 3 Gal Bucket. I mixed in perlite with the Canna Coco. And holy crap this stuff drains more than soil... I gave my big plant half str 20-20-20. my runnoff was around 6.0(yellow) Sadly.... my dog took afew nibbles out of the plant, but i managed to cut off the seperate leaves and they should grow back. Sofar i think everything is great. Any advise is great!

Cheers Chris!



Well-Known Member
Did you start your plants in a 5 gallon bucket or whatever they are in right now? Why don't you get some clones from someone that way they are already about 8-15 inchs and they are rather cheap and you don't have to deal with the issues your having. I wouldn't ever use miracle grow I've heard alot of bad things about it, but hey my setup wasn't perfect nor did i not have problems, I had a ton, and still dealing with them months after, but you learn new things, and get new ideas to improve your plants, grow, and setup and overtime you will get it and be happy, I'm pretty surprised with my first grow as I've got several oz's on them so having anything is always good and tells you your doing something right. I would also get a a/c unit because 90 and 100's are too hot, they say keep it about 70-80 degrees, I almost killed a lot of my plants due to the heat issues until I got a air conditioner.


Active Member
Thanks Ryan. yeah man, i made a shitload of mistakes at start, but now i got everything basicly figured out, Im useing that canna coco now... So my temp? Yeah it holds at about 90 when lights are on, But i mena look at the box... Its a small box, ibut i got a fan blowing directly on the plant, so the plant should be a diff temp than the box itself. I can just turn up the fans i have them on low right now. SO i should aim for 70-80.


Well-Known Member
A cool tube would probably be a lot cheaper than buying an a/c unless you already have central air in your house and can just run a duct to your cabinet


Active Member
Growing in a small confined space pretty much requires a cooltube and ducting. You should be ok for now with the fan going and higher temps but think about when you get to flowering. Anything above 86 in flowering pretty much slows growth down to a crawl. So just save up for a cool tube and an inline fan for the future.