Why don't you build yourself a little dwc bubble Cloner, and root clones instead of growing from seed? You'll knock time off your first week or two, you'll always have females, and they're free. You can build a bubbling bucket for around $25, and there are tons of easy diy tutorials on YouTube!
Down the road you may want to keep mothers, so that you can take clones when needed. But if you don't have the room to keep mothers, you can just keep cloning your clones, until you need them. What I mean by this is, you take your cuttings from one, or several, of the plants you're growing, once you've sexed them. Then you root them in your Cloner, and let them veg for a couple weeks, until they outgrow the available space. Then, you take cuttings from those, toss out the vegging plants, and replace them with the new cuttings to be rooted. You do this over and over, until you're ready.
You root clones with very little light. Just a CFL, or cheap Floro tube will do. Then, you can use several CFLs to veg your clones.
Just a thought