first dwc bubbleponic grow


Active Member
alright yall... first post.

this is gon be the grow journal for my new dwc grow ima have going shortly.

this wont be my first grow but will be my first serious grow. ive been fuckin around with bagseed for a couple months now. Ive been trying diffrent things with 5 little seedlings including organic soil, soilless perlite grow, simple draining reservoir hydro pots, plant foods for soil, liquid plant food, even growing in a bottle of hydro solution. I did alotta experementing just to see what I could and couldnt do with my plants when it was time to drop my nuts on some real seeds and equipment. I prettymuch killed 4 plants and the last one got abillion little gnat larvae in the soil eatin up its roots. had to transplant it.enough rambling. anyways. here's the plan.

first off... I'm not doing soil. I want the plants getting exactly what they need and not have to work for it. so I'm going hydro. I was planning on getting the Stealth Hydroponics Bubbleponics 6 pot system but I'm thinkin I can deff make that shit myself for half the price and have more money for lights.

second... I was workin with some regular old bagseed. I learned a lot and I'm glad those dead ass seedlings werent something I really count afford to kill. so now originally I wanted the 'big bud' strain seeds cuzza their yeild. then I found out not every seedbank ships to the us and theres better strains n then I was told about the Attitude seedbank. they really fucked the game up with that picknmix offer, which is great cuz I'm not limited to buying $50 worth of each strains seeds.

after much deliberation my seed choices for the 6 pots are:
3 super lemon haze (out a 5pk)
1 northern lights x skunk
1 g13 haze
1 white berry (maybe strawberry cough)

ima have the seeds shipped in a tshirt real slicklike.

YES I understand that buying just 1 seed isn't a good idea cuz they might not all germ/gro/survive

next... I decided on fox farms nutes. I've been reading alotta good sheiit about their grows and blooms. and hey cool ill have extra cash for the big bottles since I'm makin my own bubbleponic system.

okay last.... shit... lights! I think I'm starting out with a couple of those super big twisty ass energy saver lights. the ones that are use like 40 watts but are 250 or 300 watt equivalent. just to keep my bill down while I have the lights burnin for 18 or more hours a day. alil before flowering ima have to go ahead and get a hps system. with my income tax return like a realnigga. I'm thinkn 400watt... 6 plants.

for now the growspace is a little ass closet... estimating 2.5' x 5' x 9'. that's a good reason not 2 buy the Stealth Hydro sytem, it might be too wide

so thats the plan as of now. but from now til everything arrives in the mail I might make a lot more changes to the lil scheme. who knows.

but feel free to drop me some advice, constructive criticism, questions and any better ideas??


Active Member
alrite bitch. A lil update

I found this fuckin crazy ass hydroponics shop, I think the only 1 in town. They had everything.. hps lights, ballasts, hoods, pots, and most importantly nutrients. And even better they had all 3 foxfarms nutes I need: big grow, big bloom and tiger bloom.


grow base: I got an 18 gallon Rubbermaid. I got 2 lids. The 1st I put 6 4 inch net pots that I got from the grow store in the lid. The 2nd one ima put 3 holes for net pots in cuz ima get a second rubbermaid when flowering begins so both tubs will have 3 plants each.

airpumps: I got 3 TopFin XP-60 pumps. They got 2 outputs each so that's 3 pumps to 6 tubes to 6 airstones for 6 plants. Breathe nigga breathe.

now all that's left to get is...
hydroton rocks for $9
rockwool for $9
foxfarms grow nutes $20
Quiet1One-800 pond pump ima jack for free
separation manifold and tubing
and lights!!
oyeah and the seeds

im goin straight cfl as far as the lights go. Yall got any suggestions holla at me


Active Member
yeeaauuhh nigga i went n picked up some hydroton rocks, some rockwool, Foxfarms Grow Big nutrients and a powerstrip.

the guy at the hydro store said that the bubbles pop once they hit the surface making a mist for the roots... so the roots get a taste of that good ass water and put all their effort into trying to get in that good ass water. and once theyre in there theyll have all they needs, oxygen and all. and thats why im probably not gonna get the pump and tubing system, if the roots are gettin what they need why am i gonna shower them with more? sounds a lil unneccesary. waste of money.

yahh bitch more money for seeds.
now all im missing is 6 airstones and seeds

oyeah and lights! im going straight cfl. i heard ur sposed to use daylight for veg [blue spectrum] and soft white for flowering [red spectrum]. actually its better to have like a 2:1 ratio cause its more natural. so im getting 2 light fixtures and 6 splitters. thats 4 lights per fixture. so if i get the 23watt cfls thatll be less than 200 watts for 8 lights and a million fuckin lumens.

yeah here go some pics



Active Member
can you veg to flower in a DWC like that? or will plants out grow and need to transfer to new setup?

anyone know a good tutorial on building one of them?


Active Member
im gonna veg in that til they get big and move 3 of the plants and airstones over to a twin tub so theyll have room to get light duting flowering. 3 in each tub. and ill tell u what.. i didnt know how to make one but i just took a good look at the Stealth Hydroponics Bubbleponics system annd just made it! the only WORK you have to do besides running aorund buying all the shit is cut the holes in the lid for the net pots. go to or just search the forums on here if youre lookin for specific shit, thats what i do, these forums are the sheiitt


Well-Known Member
so the pumps put the bubbles in the water and when the bubbles pop they hit the roots? sorry im just trying to get the idea on how this works i think imma try this next time around, so does that mean you have water in the rubermaid at all times and have the pumps going 24/0?


Active Member
some reason i cant search on these forums i need to go to google and be like

"dwc setup" pretty annoying, iv never had a successful search on these fourms

other then that i guess im just ganna have to have a stab at building one :P



Active Member
alright... you start ur seeds in rockwool so they can stand up... like support, and you plant em in them lil hydroton rocks in a net pot... those rocks are designed to leave room for a root system to grow and theres holes in the net pot for the roots to hang out and get some of that good ass water. theres a little space inbetween the bottom of the net pot and the top of the water so when the bubbles pop on the surface they make a sort of spray. the roots are all like... oh shit! and they start trying to get to the water. and roots grow down naturally anyways. now during the time that the roots are still growing throughout the hydroton i think ima have to pour the nutes on the plants?? dunno ill have to do my research.

yeah the tub is like 15 gallons full of nutrient water at all times [ima have to change it every week] and the pumps will be running all full time 24/0... if the pumps turn off then the plants have like 24 hours before they start 2 die


Active Member
oyeah just google dwc whatever. i google the shit i wanna know and i read on rollitup grasscity gardenscure cannabiswhatever
i meant to say that earlier but i dont wanna get my shit fucked up by an admin.


Well-Known Member
lol, alright i kind of get it, so you have to watch to make sure your roots arnt actually submerged in water, but waht will you do when they reack the bottom? or is the bubbles going to be giving them enough air to be submerged in water?


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Active Member
naw the roots sit in the water. you want ur water lookin like ramesn noodles with a whole ass of roots. what u don't want is the bottom of the net pots touching the water, u need room. so what you do when the roots reach the water is dance and be happy and shit cause that means bigger plants soon


Active Member
yeah if u think about it hydro is the best possible way 2 grow.. ur givin the plants exactly what they need. when they r in soil the roots kinda gotta get longer and dig thru the dirt and look for more water and nutrients. if they are in the nutrients they don't have to worry about lookin 4 stuff they just get massive


Active Member
alright yall its time 2 order seeds.

its between:
5 super lemon haze
5 utopia haze
both of which will come with 5 thai super skunk cause I'm ordering from attitude

what do yall think is better?? even though I'm partial to super lemon haze I've been hearing that utopia was the real underdog strain at the cc08. super lemon won 1st overall and utopia was 2nd overall and 1st in the sativa cup. I've also heard arjan from green house seeds might have done some slick shit to make sure his new strain got the peoples vote while the utopia won 2 awards off of it just being a quality strain. either was I can't go wrong. what do yall think??


Active Member
okay fuckit too late!

i put my order in already...... drum roll...

after all the different imes i changed my mind...

i got the 5 [barney's seeds] utopia haze
and they added 5 [g13 labs] thai super skunk and 1 white widow
as a bonus for who the fuck knows why... but i aint complainin!!

yeah so now we cookin with gas. update soon.


Active Member
so i went to check my mail today andOOOH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK theres a pretty ass package from europe.
what do u know! i got a "t-shirt and stickers". and them stickers was steath as fuck.
ok so now i got my 3 utopias, 2 superskunks and the white widow in distilled water waitin for them bitches to crack.
and the white widow is a g13 labs seed like the thai superskunk
i ordered last thursday and its friday.. so they are pretty fast and thats good cause i was getting so fuckin anxious

so an update:
-i got my closet lined in DOLLAR STORE ass wrapping paper. i said fuck $30 on mylar n got that $1 wrapping paper thats like mylar on the reverse side.. bout $6. and i lined the lid in it too, pix soon
-i found out my rubbermaid wasnt lightproof even tho its dark so i wrapped that bitch in black duct tape.
-i got a digi thermometer and timer for the lights
-oyeah and i got a light fixture, put 3 2-way splitters in it and now i got 4 2500k 26watt cfl's ready to burn in that bitch
-got a ph meter
-airstones and check valves!
i think all im missin is ph up n down solution and a lil fan cause that lil closet gets pretty hot

so i got it all ready.
hydrotons soakin. dwc is sterilized. got the pumps n lights hookd up. foxfarms on deck. beans germin.
just waiting now. and waiting. fuck i need a newport.
pictures as soon as they sprout.

damn that bitch on my avitar with that bong is sexy.

dear mister toilet,

Attitude seed bank is the shit.