First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*


Well-Known Member
in pics one and two was that started from seed and is at 4 days or was it a clone?

i need to borrow a friends camera and take some pics. my oldest is 6 days and my youngest is 5 days, the oldest is twice the size of the youngest though! i dont know why she is growing slow but the old one is gonna be a beast i can already tell. shes got baby leaves 1 set of big leaves and another set of big leaves started 2 days ago.
you plants look really good! im excited for you!
i might visit s.a. next year, i wanna stop by and taste your work lol


Well-Known Member
Hahaha! thanx guys, yeah fully CannaCult, if u stop by we'll all have a major stoner session and definitly some peace pipe :joint:
pic 1 and 2, shes about 1month to 2 moths old, yeah i know :confused:
hard to believe but if u look at previous pics, she grew right next to
the plant in pic 5&6 when they were both out side, so basically the little one was just in the wrong positition being sheilded from the light by some other flowers she only grew as big as she needed to :-? so shes like a dwarf plant, its kinds cute actually :mrgreen: looks like a miniture bush but shes
smaller than my hand. The other plant grew rite next to the little one while they were outside except that one was in a good possition and got more sunlite, they both about the same age.
i love how Mary Jane plants all hav a unique personality of their own :eyesmoke:

wil post some new pics soon to show u size difference oh and LAX Skunky, i wish they were clones, all i can clone from is a soon to be hash male plant just waiting for him to drop his pollon btu cloning a male is kinda pointless.


Well-Known Member
Hey Fellow growers!! here are some pics of the growgress, lol, get it? :hump:
my shiva shanti seed has sprouted!!:weed: my big mango plant has been topped and is growing what looks to be female genitals, still too soon to tell.

Pic 1,2,3,4,5,6 are the room and the big plant after being topped
Pic 7 is the new seedling
and Pic 8,9 are the dwarf whos looking very crystaly latley on the new leaf growth :weed:



Well-Known Member
MACCLAD - hahaha, i take it ur from england then? i had to read ur post in that accent to understand it, im way stoned! :joint:
yeah i fully support any critism or compliment or advice given. im just here to learn.


Well-Known Member
oh...the clone, yeah hes dead:evil:
was from a male plant anyway didnt matter. the male on the other hand is dropping his pollen al over my bathroom as we speek, gonna gather it and cross strains hopefully.


Active Member
nice of ya 2 get back 2 me ma man. yeh u iz right i iz in da gud old english counties. soz 2 earda clone waz carryin plumz but hey ho datz da way it goes. bout da accent itz just lazy "keybored" skills anywayz gud luck wiv da grow ma man will luk in from time 2 time.


Well-Known Member
MACCLAD - hahaha, thanx man, no worries mate =) thanx for all the input.
CannaCult - would u by any chance be iterested in elping me out with that experiment cuz that sounds fucking awesome! i just dont know where i could find good reliable seeds?...:evil:
u gotta buy good weed here at like 10$ a gram and hope to find a seed in them and usually its mostly all the same shit...smells good, looks good but all looks and tastes the same if you know what i mean it all the sellers mainly get there gear from one main suuplier.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Good stuff only 10 a gram where i live!! Wow is it strains of stuff or just Beasters?? I gotta pay atleast 20 a g for strains of good stuff...NYC diesel WW stuff like that....


Well-Known Member
homegrown - hey man, thanx. ur setup is badass!! whats the length of you plant? ur light set up is fucking sick too! thats sorta what im going for when i get the cash :hump:
Cnymoeman - wow, thats allot more pricy that our stuff but to us here its a fucking rip off :mrgreen: well iv had NYCdiesel, top44, jackharra, strawberry cough and masterkush here and they all looked exactly alike, lime green and crystaly and were all between 10 and 12$. so im not sure if its the real stuff or not. even our LSD here is not real, we gotta pay twice the price for half the tab or drop of real stuff :mad:

OH YEAH!! heres a journal update people! :weed:
the topped plant in pic 2,3,4 an5 is doing great, the top branches are growing quite well.
my shiva shanti seedling in pic 1 is growing well too, leaves are growing thicker, mite be indica.
as for the dwarth plant i think it suffered heat damage or its stem finaly gave in. but news seedling are on thier way! the white russians and white widow should be sprouting soon.

Jah Bless!!



Well-Known Member
Good morning! I just woke up, had a wake and bake session with my girl, shes in the shower now so im here to post some pics of how the topping is going and how the seedlings grown and hopefully (cuz its pay day!) ill get some new lights later :mrgreen::hump::joint:

Pics 1and 7 are my little seedling, about a week old now:mrgreen:
and Pics 2,3,4,5 and6 are of my other plants after topping down
another 2 sets of new branches that where growing out quite long just below the top fan leaves and second top ones. so hopefully she'll branch a bit more closer to the stem now and become bushyier :twisted:

Peace all and Jah Bless!



Well-Known Member
haha, yeah. my last plant got too tall and i had to take it outta the grow room but lucky this time i know how to top to i can keep this plant small enough to stay in the room yet big and bushy enough to yeild allot. topping is such an awesome weapon in the growers arsinal if used right!

will be updating the journal soon, did a few modifications to the grow room and getting some new lights soon aswell so once all is setup and operating properly ill take some pics and post the info!

thanx so far to all that hav suscribed and given their input!

Jah Bless!


Well-Known Member
sorry ive been gone for a bit shits been nuts. lookin good mate. as for seeds i get mine frim the shitty bag herb and just grow it the best i can.

p.s. today is day 14 of veg for my little one and she is so bushy already and very very healthy! indica for sure!