First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*


Well-Known Member
whats that that u speeking of? whats this tea? and 4tblsp of what? and do u realy shake for 24hours!?

Hahahaha- no I don't shake it for 24 hours straight. Just periodically thru the 24 hour period. Just to pull out the goodness in the bone meal.

I have a jelly jar I saved. I put 4 Tablespoons of my bone meal in and add some hot water to help break it down. Then just shake it off and on for the 24 hours.

Then I add that to my gallon mix of Molasses and like 1/4 tsp of my Expert bloom burst.


Well-Known Member
ok awesome, im getting the picture now. sounds like a good mix dude, im gonna giv it a try bt how much mollasses to use in ur gallon?


Well-Known Member
ok awesome, im getting the picture now. sounds like a good mix dude, im gonna giv it a try bt how much mollasses to use in ur gallon?

I've read that people suggest using 1 TBSP of Molasses per gallon. That's what I have been usin, maybe a lil more....

Haven't seen any difference just yet, but I've only been usin it for the past 2 waters so far........ so we'll see in the end


Well-Known Member
right...wait till week7 and 8 they should anyway, but you knew that. molasses is good stuff fosho though

No doubt.... I'm only 4 weeks in tomorrow.... I figure I got about 4 or 5 weeks left, maybe longer for my MC

No rush tho let 'em do their thang that's all


Well-Known Member
thats right .you got it. im so ready for my next grow and i havent finished my one at hand lol........

Dude- u aint lyin! I already got 50 % of the stuff I need for my next grow. Was expectin my seeds today, but I forgot about the no mail thing on New Years Day.... WTF!

So hopefully tomorrow........ I just gotta get my starter bottles together and my seeds, then around the middle of Feb I'll be startin those........
Gunna let them veg Feb thru March and put half of them outside after the last frost......


Well-Known Member
sounds sweet im not starting another till the 26th of april. lol so i got about 2months after harvest to plan and shit


Active Member
Eyup Manik itz bin a while eres wot iz bin up 2 i call it Da Crown O Budz or Budz 4 Even Less.

Pic 1 Da odvious light 1 18watt x 100 eq cfl wiv silver paper plate as reflecta

Pic 2 12 days flower

Pic 3 12 day close shot ov da left ov plant

Pic 4 18 days flower same shot angle

Wot do ya rekon?



Well-Known Member
give them more light man .........youll thank yourself later trust me i started 3months ago with cfls but dude 3 months later and im running 2 150watt hps's lol they explode with more light!


Active Member
Da light 2 be upped nxt week. I no bout da light issue but dis is jus a bit ov an experiment 2 keep me entertained over da winter, Normally do outdoor.


Well-Known Member
yeah Maclad, fucking nice what u got going ther man! jus giv em some more light and she'll be a phatt bush of bud in no time bt other wise shes looking great, how long did u veg for and did u veg just wit that light?


Well-Known Member
oh yeah UPDATE!!

so...everythings just basicaly branching out...literary speeking:weed:

Shiva1 - good...thats all to report, branching out and seems to be showing genitals at almost 9weeks outdoors, still a little bush bt the flowering stage will be tremendous! no pics....shes shy

Shiva2 - just over 2weeks flowering rite now and still no signs at all of sex, im gonna reduce the light for 2morow down to 11/13 and see how she takes to it over the next week. Pics 1-4

Mww - shit! i can now see 6 top branches growing up and i had to remove a fan leaf to giv them light. pics 5-8

PPP - pretty fat, iv never grown a seedling with such fat leaves be4 so im guessing shes more on the indica side.
Pic 9

MangoMary and Jane - both looking good, still young and jane had her first leaves trimmed cuz of yellowing so shes growing slow bt her next leaf set looks good. and Mary is great, didnt trim alot off her first leaves so shes growing abit faster. Pics - 10 - 12

Thanx everyone, hope uv enjoyed the update, see ya'll next time with more ManikMarijuana news! :clap:

