First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help


Well-Known Member
cool. just make sure you water when DRY. it may seem long between waterings, but let the weight of the pot dictate watering. i use peat/perlite/poop as a base mix, and i've been very happy, and feed very little, although i do super up my soil a bit.


Yeah I'm careful when watering, I use both the top inch + that moisture probe as an indicator, as well as the weight of the pot, as said I have just harvested its mother so I do have 1 sucessful grow under my belt and am about to harvest a bagseed (pictured next to the clone in some pics) soon as well so I am aware of when to and not over watering, which is also a reason I don't want to repot them or transplant them again so soon already having done so twice in 3 days.

I jave just taken some pics 2 minutes ago when the lights came on, I've trimmed some of the yellowing deformed leaves to show the plant and its shoots a bit better, pictured below. More available if required:



Well-Known Member
That's acute heat stress on top of nute burn.... flush the soil and raise your lights.... i would rather deal with stretch than her dying mate
I would agree with this post.
When you did your flush of the soil did you do it within the pot?

If so, that would probably be an issue that you should look into. Take soil out of pot rinse it the bathtub and ring it out. Also, clean the pot for anything that could be effecting the plant.

You said that you don't think that you would have heat issue from going to floro to hps, but from reading your "OP" the temp that went up and down would definitely effect your plant. Especially since it was a clone. I have a 100% clone rate with no issues. I have even planted a freshly rooted clone into miracle grow. I also have had all my clones with a new full root system within 1.5 weeks.

If you keep having issues with that soil, I would just discard it. and put that clone in a bubbler or ebb and flow. Good luck and I hope she recovers.


Well-Known Member
One other thing. I just looked at your new pics that you posted.
Is your soil packed really tight? Kinda looks like it. Shake it up a bit. May be suffocating your plant.


I tried to flush after 1st transplant into John innes but it failed to drain 1/2 gl so I changed the kid which drained a bit better but didn't do a full flush with second soil mix, this innes stuff does seem to drain very slowly which is why I've binned most of it and won't use it on other up coming clones, I was hoping this may have jut been heat stress rather than nuts burn as well, didn't take pics yesterday but will update later with latest pics as the new top growth has brown tips to the leaves as well


The tips of new growth have brown tips, these were forming when originally put inflows though and have grown out since, so they may ha been affected by best stress when they were tiny and growin out the main stem, that chart doesn't show things like heat stress on the leaves as I've checked a lot of charts and forums and am stumped, will try and get new pics up when finished work and home in the next hour or so as this is now day 6 flower. I was also expecting it to have grown more than it has now its getting darkness to stretch in, it's barely grew any taller in the past days so far


Pics taken just now in day 6, its now had 6 nights of darkness and hasn't grown any taller at all, I would have thought it would have shot up having previously had 24/0 light, sunted growth due to the issues???


You can see on one of the tips of newer top growth, that it has turned brown a little bit, I think this tip was just poking through the top stem when placed into flower so if it was heat, that tip could have also got it a bit, still not 100% though, need any more detailed pics, just ask and I shall provide.


Well-Known Member
Nute burn...looks like the clone itself was this happened before the new soil, anyway water less and it doesn't matter how hot the soil is pretty much...the nutes are active when the soil is wet..MJ likes a nice drought from time to time, so water sparingly and allow the plant to dry out totally inbetween waterings. Don't repot again, or try to flush...just leave it be and it will be alright.


I wasn't planning on another repot unless I had to to change the soil mix again (which I didn't really want to do again), it still hasn't been watered since the last transplant 4 days ago and the top still feels moist and my (crappy) moisture probe still goes off the wet scale when inserted into the soil, the 33% of John Innes still in the mix is probably why as the grow bag soil also in there used to dry out a lot quicker on the clones mother's pot which didn't even have perlite in it.

The clone when rooted in water was transplanted into a small pot with some scoops of grow bag soil, then when the roots showed at the bottom, they were repotted up into a larger pot (1gl or smaller) with John Innes no.1 seeding & Cutting soil (which is what I've also done with 2 other clones growing), the No.1 contains no nutes to speak of but the rootball was still wrapped around the grow soil from the smaller pot and they got another 2 weeks of veg time like this. Now its getting a mix of JI No.2 (Potting on soil, not flowering soil) and the grow bag soil as well as any of the above vegging soil still left around the rootball.

I've read a lot about the JI soil and a lot of people use it without problems, doing exactly what I did, cutting soil straight to no.2 which is why I was hoping more for heat stress, if it's nute burn as well, as long as the water PH is kept in the right range, would it grow enough to then start absorbing the nutes, or would the possibly excess nutes (for such a small clone) halt growth all together?

Here are some pics of the other 2 clones still in veg (18w 60cm cool white flouro tube), showing the pot size this was previously in with the same grow bag soil & JI no.1 for its vegging stage. You can also see on these 2 a couple of brown spots on a couple of tips, but no-where near as badly as the flowering one so if its also showing here, it's something I'd like to catch earlier for these up coming ones: