First ever grow /2x Fem Afghan Skunk /CFL /Comments welcome and most likely needed


Active Member
I don't really know much, only starting my first grow, but wow this is a really sick first grow.
yeah man good times, wasn't sure if i would get this far….. ill be buzzing when i get to harvest hopefully...

Yah very good first grow. I'm thinking of adding a bunch of cfl's and t5's to mine to replace an extra 600watt light. Save on electro. But so far so great on the first grow, it's good to see other people's first grows!
CFL's for me with space issues, more light the better, get those cfl's close…

thx for the compliments guys, good luck with your grows…. :hump::hump:


Active Member
Hey all,

HNY and all that … :)

Came back to the girls who are now in Day 55 of flower to find they are stinking the whole area outside where there ducting leads too,

Had to knock off the extractor fan as its waaaay toooo obvious,

As I will be harvesting in the next week or so(Day 60 flowering type) am I ok to have no exhaust out of the grow??????

Because of no extractor fan I have now left the room open to keep temps down, was 78F before lights out


Both starting to yellow a lot, especially afghan 1 at the back,

stinks to high fucking heaven…. now the extractors off my rom is getting it but ill suffer that, got some ona tub downstairs….

heres another few pics, not ready yet but will check the trichs this weekend...







Active Member
Wishing I would of stumbled across this grow sooner.

Helluva run for a first time grow.

Stinking with a carbon scrubber you say? Are/were you pulling air or pushing air through it? They work better when pulled through.

Looking forward to harvest pics and eventually dry weight and smoke report.



Active Member
Wishing I would of stumbled across this grow sooner.

Helluva run for a first time grow.

Stinking with a carbon scrubber you say? Are/were you pulling air or pushing air through it? They work better when pulled through.

Looking forward to harvest pics and eventually dry weight and smoke report.

Hey man, the fan is puling through the carbon filter which apparently is better…..

Yeah man, good times are nearly here… just hoping I get my harvest timing good now,

I have a led x60 scope but I am finding it a bistardo to focus on the buds, have a handheld magnifier coming so hopefully that should be easier..

only a few days no i think… Today is Day 57 of suggested 60 :)


Active Member
As it's your first grow, might I suggest chopping one plant later than the other?
I say this because some people chop at 30% amber 70% cloudy, some like less, some like like more, some like to chop at a good 50/50.
It's all personal preference, and since you've got two plants, it would be a way to know for future grows on when you like your plants chopped. Just my 2c worth though.

Still baffled at the smell escaping from the carbon scrubber, must be some serious funk those ladies are throwing out for you.

Most of my growing experience is outdoors, and under the sun, though since it's damn cold, and I need a hobby other than dropping boo-kuus of money in to my vehicles, I've recently built a little micro cab to entertain me through the frigid winter, I can only hope that the lady I have vegging now looks as nice as yours do.



Active Member
thanks for the thoughts Beardedstoner…

Indeed I have been thinking of doing separate harvest, had a 420scope but could see a scheiss with it but just ten minutes ago me favourite postie just landed with a x60 jewellers loupe… and boom i can see those cheeky trichomes now in 3d….

I have just checked afghan 2 and its predominantly clear for now, at least now i can monitor the tricks easily...

However I reckon I might of flushed too soon, think it was day 43… afghan 1 is very yellow now, afghan 2 less so…. noob

smell wise, well i think i was over delighted with putting the inline fan on a controller last night, noticed this morning a whiff outside with the fan down to 30%… balls….

i dont understand it either but i am gunna wing it the next week then upgrade to a recognised carbon filter….

man i wish i could grow some outdoors this summer…


Active Member
This aint good news,

Checked on the girls this evening and can see both of them with seeds in the buds… must of hermied recently… fark it..

having a quick read of other seed problem post, looks like there is fuck all i can do at this point… Day 60 currently….

How quick do they produce the seeds, as in should I harvest at the soonest i see some cloudy…

Afghan 2 appears more affected than afghan 1… shame…

What affects does the seeds do… do they affect the content or just less yield dependant on how many seeds there are…..


Active Member
Sucks about the herm issues.

When a plant produces seeds, it essentially goes into a last ditch effort to keep it's genes alive. Therefore, it does effect potency, because instead of putting its resources into trichs, the plant pushes it's energy into seed production.

That being said, I have to ask, are all the buds on both plants producing seed, or just a few here and there? Also, have you been able to locate the nanners that have been produced?

Final question, do you know what stressed your plant to bring it to go into a "self preservation" mode?


Active Member
Sucks about the herm issues.

When a plant produces seeds, it essentially goes into a last ditch effort to keep it's genes alive. Therefore, it does effect potency, because instead of putting its resources into trichs, the plant pushes it's energy into seed production.

That being said, I have to ask, are all the buds on both plants producing seed, or just a few here and there? Also, have you been able to locate the nanners that have been produced?

Final question, do you know what stressed your plant to bring it to go into a "self preservation" mode?

No it doesn't appear all over and appears more to the areas of the girls that were closer to the opening to the grow,

racking my head i reckon it was possibly how i left the grow room entrance open to keep the temps low, which is turn during lights out whilst i was away temps dropped to 54f,

Its that or light stress…. they are going to get the chop in the next few days anyways, trichs are still clear…. hard to gauge how many seeds there are…

haven't seen the nanners, didn't have time before lights out…. should i locate and destroy or is it worth it????

thanks for the reply man..


Active Member
I would get nanners off asafp, if only to prevent further seed production.

When you left the door open, was there any light hitting your girls during their dark cycle?
The temp also could of done it, might have them thinking that winter is quickly approaching. ;-)

Either way, what's done is done, right?
I'd say get the nanners gone, you're still going to have some mighty fine smoke.

Besides, it's your first grow, the fact you've made it this far without running into other serious issues along the way counts as a success in my book, you don't even want to know how horrid my first grow went, I still have nightmares about it.:wall:

Take it as a learning experience, after all, I say if you don't learn anything new every grow, you're not doing something right.



Active Member
nice one yeah I will check them out in the morning when lights go on,

maybe light but i can't see how… who knows….

a lot of the buds don't seem affected…but lets see, as soon as i see some amber it choppity chop…..

lessons learned for the next round hey !! …. :) Peace….


Active Member
Whats going folks…...

Right, last night I harvested Afghan 2 on Day 62, Day 100 in total...

As both have recently hermied and both are the same strain I figured to chop this one early and leave Afghan 2 till its ripe….

I have read loads about trich's and some say a head cerebral buzz will come from clear --> cloudy trich's so I guess now is a good time to find out for myself….

Afghan 2 came down with many clear trich's and about 20% cloudy….. could see some amber but not enough to report...

Ideally I would like a more head high than body stone… so lets see….

I will post some pics later tonight if i get a chance…. peace out ppl…..


Active Member
Hey all,

Mad hectic past few days but finally heres some pics of Afghan 2 getting the chop….

Afghan 1 is still happily flowering and I might give a few more days as I would like to see a more amber,

Had a lil nugget from Afghan 2 last night… smoke was harsh as expected until i cure them properly.. the buzz was a light head high which was nice… I jarred up Afghan 2 after she was hanging for 5 days…
It seemed quite dry so jarred with hygrometer… rh was 50% after ten minutes in the jar so lets see what it might be tonight when I get home…...

Before chop chop



Look at the bistardo seeds…. Anyone care to guess how many days, weeks they may have hermied…..



And so I started chopping…

(Ill have to add more pic later today…. for some reason I cannot load the rest of the pic….)


Active Member
hello everyone,

seems there is a problem uploading photos at the moment… they are looking into it i believe...

Anyways still have one girls curing and the other is now on day 70… checking the trich's they are all turning a lovely milky colour and some amber on some little sugar leaves….

looking real nice, but still got some white pistils prominent…

the other girls is jarred and hovering about 65-70 % rh…. had a toke from a nug last night ….

definitely more head buzz, lasts about an hour…. still a bit harsh to smoke but when cracking the nug I get some sweet skunky tones ….

Not sure if it will cure to a banging aroma… as it was chopped early…. but lets see…. all good it seems….

should be chopping hopefully in the next 4-5 days….

Nice ppl Nice….



Well-Known Member
great job with the cfl's gives me inspiration. As far as the seeds are they fem. because of the herm situation? Once again great 1st grow!! My 1st grow was outdoors and your shit looks great compared to what I got from mines, but I was still happy!


Active Member
great job with the cfl's gives me inspiration. As far as the seeds are they fem. because of the herm situation? Once again great 1st grow!! My 1st grow was outdoors and your shit looks great compared to what I got from mines, but I was still happy!

Yeah man.. both were fem'd seeds … the more i think the more possible factors could have brought on the herming … …. so next run is gonna be all about environment control…..

gunna grab a couple of 120mm pc fans and have them run on controllers to get bait of control on temps…. only had passive this time around… good times though… Nice…