First Ever Grow: Hans LED, Organic Soil, Feminized Seeds


Well-Known Member
Good Morning. Day #25, watered all yesterday, which was 5.5 days since last water and transplant.
Looks like they enjoyed their drinks.
Leaves pointing up, new growth.
#4 is now 9" from the light and #5 is 11" from the light.
Temp/RH running b/w 70-80 and 60-80 %
Moved the paperclip more distally on #3 (see pics). Looks like #4 is in line for a topping later this week.
Good thing I watered yesterday, and will not need to water for a few days as I am taking an overnight road trip to go to a funeral.
Will check in in a couple of days.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there.Day #28 from seed. Last watered 4 days ago. overnight trip became 2 nights. Not fun, car trouble. Good to be home.
Of course, was worried about the girls, but all is ok.
Great growth over the uninterrupted 2 1/2 days without human contact.
Humidity and temps still high, 70-85 and 50-85 %. Will have to start getting the humidity down pretty soon.
Drying out, and plan on repeat watering tomorrow when I have plenty of time.
#s 1 and 2 have developed new internodal (?) growth. I mucked around with #3 to try and expose the "center" of the plant, by moving a leaf or two out of the way.
There also are some dying leaves at the bottom of some of them, which I have heard should be removed at some point.
TOPPED #4. Pinched the new leaves off with thumb and index finger. I think, as it is the tallest, I will have to train it a bit. Nervous not to bend too much though.
#1 also has some dark, "tarry" debris on the lower leaves (??)
Will spend time over the weekend seeing how I can top/train some of the others.
Will certainly listen to thoughts and take suggestions on topping/training.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
They look has a little issue with a def or lockout^^^

Do you have any idea what's in your bought supersoil??? it should self correct if your water is "OK".

good luck and be safe..


Well-Known Member
Good Morning, and quite the long morning it has been.
Had some increasing stress building up yesterday regarding the tarry spots and the leaf lightning issues.
The soil is only roots, no supersoil, and was planning to put the supersoil in the 7 gal pot.
Had planned on watering, and attending to the "canopy" this morning.
Looked like #1 and #2 have the same leaf discoloration issues, and #3 and #4 also look to have small issues.
I believe the most likely explanation is a magnesium deficiency. Additional issues may be relatively high humidity and/or soil that it is too wet.
Supposedly, pretty common with organic soil and distilled water.
The tips of the leaves are lime to yellow, with brownish discoloration. They are also curling up to some degree.
I did do the first water on all of them (like last water) with distilled water.
For better or for worse topped and bent #1 prior to realizing I needed to do something about the probable magnesium deficiecy.
So, after the first water, went online and tried to figure out what to do.
After researching this is what I did:
I put 3/4 tsp of epsom salt in 710 ml (24 oz) of distilled water.
For the 2nd water I used 1/2 and 1/2, distilled water, and 3/4 tsp/710 ml in distilled water (2 separate containers) to get a few drops of run off.
I then took #1 from under the light and foliar sprayed with 8 or 10 sprays (from afar) of the 3/4 tsp/710 ml water. It is now out of the light for a couple of hours, to dry.
None of the others were foliar fed.
So, to review:
#1: topped, bent, 1st water-dH2O,2nd water half/half dH2O & 3/4 tsp/710 ml water.Then foliar sprayed out of the light.
#2: 1st water dH20,2nd water-skipped
#3: 1st water dH2O,2nd 1/2 & 1/2
#4: 1st water dH2O, 2nd 1/2 and 1/2
#5: 1st water dH2O, 2nd skipped
Somewhat stressful morning as I think I needed to do something, but didn't want to do too much.
I am trying to see what kind of response I get on #1 prior to getting more aggressive with the others.
Heading out to run some errands, thanks for stopping by and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there. Day #30 from seed, transplanted from solo cup to 1 gallon on day #20. Last watered yesterday.
Plants have been only in Roots organic soil, and getting only distilled water, until yesterday.
Went to bed feeling OK as #1 looked OK and had serious growth in the newly exposed branches.
Today, things looking pretty good. The leaf issues don't look worse, but don't really look much better.
Humidity shoots up to almost 90 % in the dark after watering.
Pulled the trigger on 2 silica dehumidifier units. Should be here soon.
#1: Amazing (to me) growth on the new small branches. Plant is looking messy. Checked the ppm on the epsom salt solution given yesterday, 130. Pretty happy with that and will foliar spray again today, out of the lights for 2 hours.
Also, "tightened" the bend a little.
#2: Unadulterated, so far, and will try to keep it that way. May be the closest to a "control".Also showing leaf changes I feel are from low magnesium. It never got the 2nd round of water yesterday and is pretty dry. Will give a little of the 1/2 and 1/2 thing I did yesterday.
Will foliar feed tomorrow if changes worsen.
#3: Kind of floundering. Not getting much growth on the "exposed" area, but it seems I am expecting growth out of the stem. There are some small new branches, and I just tried to expose them the best I could.
#4: Liked the watering, with leaves pointing up. Slight leaf changes, but not as bad as #s 1 and 2, and it did get some Mg++ yesterday. New internodal growth looks good and is (probably) asking for some training.
Tentative plans to tie and bend when the urgent/pressing issues settle down. Topped area growing out 2 new shoots.
#5: The laggard. Growing slowly.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Good Morning.
Not much to report.
Things stable. A little more discoloration/death to parts of #1's leaves, but new growth, I think, is OK.
#4's 2 new shoots look good. #3 actually looks good too, although still minimal new branches close to the bottom. Probably should top #3 this week.
Will also increase the time between updates, as not much is really changing day by day.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Looking good buddy, even with a deficiency. At least they are not dead!!! I'll be checkin in on you ever now in then, keep up the posts!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there. Day # 34 from seed.
Hey now tko, thanks for stopping by, and I hope to have something worthwhile for you to check out.
So, still with a few issues.
#'s 1,2,4 are using alot of water (high transpiration rate, relatively), and had to water yesterday which was 4 days since last water.
#1 is already pretty light this morning.
Humidity is a problem, and worsens after watering. Got a silica dehumidifier yesterday, hung it up, closed the vent, and humidity was 97 % this morning. Thinking I will need more than a silica box or 2.
Plants still showing deficiency, hard to tell if it's worse. #4 is als looking generally lighter.(pale)
Topped #3 2 days ago, and thre are small new shoots present.
I think the overall growth the last 3 days has slowed down, plants have been pretty stressed in different ways.
Overall, I think they are OK, not fantastic, but OK.
I have been watering with 1 tsp/gal of epsom salt and will continue to use that concentration. but may increase it at some point.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a grat day.




Well-Known Member
Hello out there, just touching base.
Day # 39 from seed. In these 1 gallon pots for just under 3 weeks.
All suffering from, what I think, is a moderate magnesium deficiency.
Only given distilled water and epsom salt.
All are looking better, growing at different rates.
Watering #s 1,2,4 every 3 days now.
Temp 70-80. RH despite 2 big buckets of "damprid" only down to 57 %. Do not like the idea of having to get a plug in unit, but I think that's where this is going.
All adulterated except, mr. control, #2.
No more major tops/training, just "tightning" what I have done so far, as I look to transfer to 7 gallon containers in a week or so.

#1-topped and trained, seems to be tolerating the deficieny relatively well, with new growth.
#2-control. weepy before this mornings water.
#3-Finally getting new shoots in the exposed part, and 2 new shoots where it was topped.
#4-bent and tied 2 days ago, and taking it well. it was topped a while back.You can see exactly where it was topped in the pic.
#5-so small, but getting new shoots, and bent a little.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great holidays.




Well-Known Member
Happy holidays GYF

Mag def starts on OLDER leaves in general........ some pics^^ show new growth yellowing which is more in line with a iron/sulfur def.

personally I would just up-pot/transplant into fresh super-soil ASAP and resolve all your issues

good luck and be safe


Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there. A little update.
Day #43 from seed. Transplanted from solo cups to 1 gallon on day #18, and tranplanted the 3 ones that needed it to 7 gallon pots on day #41.
Only given distilled water and epsom salt.
Hi Spiko, thanks for stopping by, and hopefully there will be some useful observations for you.
Thanks for the help PSU, as christmas eve was falling, I had this creeping bad feeling that the plants were "fading" and what they needed was a transplant.
Problem was, that I had the supersoil, but didn't have the 7 gallon pots or more Roots.
So, an early morning trip to the hydro store on Thursday fixed that. Funny anecdote at the store. I got there about 15 mins after it opened, and there already was a
dude there, doing some serious shopping. I thought I was stressed, but this guy looked a mess. He ultimately bought over $1100 worth of huge plastic containers of all sorts of stuff.
I heard him ask the guy at the store "is this organic ?" and of course the answer was "sure it is " Looking back, I can't really tell or know if he was stressed b/c his crop was suffering or that he had to drop over
$1100, Anyway, I felt lucky/grateful that that wasn't me.

I was pretty stressed for about a day, as the entire grow centers around the supersoil. I didn't want to transplant too early, and "waste" nutrients, and end up having the plants fade, so I decided to let them show me
when they needed to be tranplanted. And I think they did.
As with most of my actions, I went online to see how others do the supersoil thing, and most refernces were pretty similar.
0.watered in 1 gallon pots to keep rootbal together. waited about an hour while I drilled a bunch of holes in the 7 gallon pots.
1.Fill 7 gallon pot with 33-50 % with supersoil. I put in 4.5-5 inches.
2. Add "a little" base soil and generate a transition zone (mix by hand) with base and super soil.
3.More Roots; +/- 2 inches more.
4.Dig out a little bit to put the rootball, and I put a little more roots over the dug out area.
5. "pop" out the rootballs, 3/3 for me, and the best moment of the whole transplant. Solid rootball x 3.
6. Fill in with more roots, covering up the top of the rootball (transplnted) soil.
7. Pack down slightly. Leave a couple of inches at the top for top-dressing.
8. waterd with 1.5-2 gallons water; until runoff.
9. Removed standing water after 20 mins.

Alright, so #'s 1,2,4 got transplanted, and I now know how many 7 gallon pots a bag of supersoil will "fill", 3. [ 1.5 cu. feet/42.5 l]
#3 looks pretty good, all things considered. Unable, not necessary, to put into 7 gal pot, but I am thinking I still want to flower it. So, will probably put it in a 3 or 5 gallon with the little bit of supersoil I have left, and hope that if it needs any more, ? topdress.
#5, we can all agree will be food for the composting worms. It is barely growing.
As far as the next steps:
-Ordered this to get humidity down, as the non-electric methods were not working.
I was struggling a little with whether to get a cheap one, and expensive one, a combo A/C,etc...etc.. I am a big fan of positive reviews and combined with the discount, went for it.
Plus it's smaller than the frigidaire or combo units, and now, space is all of a sudden, VERY tight. I could not flower 4 7 gallons, I don't think.
-Plan on vegging at 18/6 for 5-7 days, and then over 7-10 days, bring it to 12/12
-I am trying to get the plants to fill in the large amount of unused space, as evidenced by the string and tape.
-Lights are about 6 inches from the top of the leaves, and maybe they need to be raised to try and cover more of the plants. Plant #2's side that faces the door of the tent is not
getting very much light.

So, I hope that covers the important stuff. Pics, now, much more difficult as the 7 gallon pots are not easily moved.
The pots don't have #'s but it is pretty easy to tell which ones which. Once they are on a 12 hour cycle, will be able to get green pics of the plants.

So, that's it for now. Hopefully I haven't bored anyone to death.
Have a great day and weekend.




Well-Known Member
Good morning out there. Hope everyone is doing well.
Things have been pretty crazy for the gals. Some bad, followed by some good.
Today is day #51 from seed. Transplanted into 7 gallon pots with supersoil on day #42.
One of the few "minor details "remaining was to sort of the humidity problem.
The RH was almost always >75-80 % and I knew/was told that wasn't going to work for flowering.
So, trying to keep the system closed, went through 2 damprid containers but could only get the RH down an additional 10 %.
SO, then tried an electric dehumidifier......which.....almost killed them.
It got the RH down to 27 %.......but after 20 mins them temp was 106 F :(
#4 took a baseball bat to the head, but #'s 1,2 have hung in there.
#4 is half the plant it was before the "frying". The leaves went from an indica to a sativa in those 20 mins.
A light bulb went off above my head, and I realized I was barking up the wrong tree, as the RH outside the tent was 55 %.
I just neede to get the air outside the tent, into the tent, and that I needed a fan, rather than a dehumidifier or an A/C.
But, knowing nothing about fans, and being intimidated by ducting,holes in ceilings, etc., was not thrilled about the prospect.
So, started a thread looking for help,
I put some pics of the plants outside the tent, got good advice from a couple of good people.
Doer,kermit2692, and Ibex all were very generous and helpful.
They all advised an exhuast fan +/- passive intake, to circulate the air.
That's when the fun began.....What size and kind of fan ?......How should it affect the tent ?.....etc....
I settled on a 6" Hurricane inline fan, and struggled to put in the ducting and connect the fan. When done, it was LOUD and vibrated to the point I couldn't sleep.
It also scared me as to how much it "sucked in" the walls of the tent. I also had to run the ducting down the right front side of the tent, and this took up way too much room.
The suction was so strong that the walls of the tent were touching the edge of the light, and the lights were colliding against each other.
Was all set to exchange for a 4" fan, but was convinced to stay with a 6" as that would be more versatile down the road if conditions change.
So, went back to the LHS and got the 6" vortex fan with a power controller. THIS IS THE TICKET ! Very happy and confident with this. Even better as I was able to HANG the fan, and didn't need
any floor space.

In the process I raised the lights to 11" over the short (LST'd) plants, and +/- 6-7 " above the untouched plant.
#4 continues to look really bad, but there's really not much more I can do.
The lights will be at 14/10 for the first of 3 nights tonight, and plan on getting to 12/12 on weds 1/8.
So, good news is I think I have resolved the humidity problem, bad news is we took on a little water (pun intended)
Temp/RH this AM was 71 F/57 % :)
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Hell yea vortex s line! I JUST set mine up, I love how light they are.. Noticeably quieter than my Hydrofarm 6" but the weight diff and bracket is where it really pays off..

Not to mention a 10 yr warranty.

Funny you had RH up to 80%, I have RH that's giving condensation on the tent walls, as soon as I opened the passive vent 85-->45%

Sweet setup grower!



Well-Known Member
Hell yea vortex s line! I JUST set mine up, I love how light they are.. Noticeably quieter than my Hydrofarm 6" but the weight diff and bracket is where it really pays off..

Not to mention a 10 yr warranty.

Funny you had RH up to 80%, I have RH that's giving condensation on the tent walls, as soon as I opened the passive vent 85-->45%

Sweet setup grower!

View attachment 2952408View attachment 2952407
Right on Scotch ! Nice looking setup.
I, too, was having condensation on the walls of the inside of he tent.
Bracket rocks too. It allows you to "work on it" without having (the weight of the) fan in there.
Plants looking pretty perky this morning. Piece of mind level somewhat higher..
Thanks for stopping by and cheers,



Well-Known Member
Good Morning Out There.
Let's call it Day #64 from seed, day #22 after transplant to 7 gallon pots/supersoil, and Day # 9 of 12/12.
The transplant had gone well until almost killing the plants with the heat of a dehumidifer.
Things have been pretty quiet since installing the fan, but concerns were raised last night when I gave a close look.
Not sure how or why, but it looks like the magnesium deficiency is rearing its ugly head.

Environment has been good and stable. Temps b/w 68-74, and RH b/w 40-60, but mostly 54-58 %. No more condensation on the tent wall.
Watering has been interesting. Each 7 gallon pot got 1.5-2 gallons when transplanted. I then gave each one 24 oz./750 ml the day after the temp shock from the humidifier.
Since then (3 weeks) NO WATER. They do need water soon, but I want to try and incorporate how I deal with the presumed Magnesium issue.
I have been using a cheap hydrometer to get a sense of how wet/dry the soil is. I would have watered about 7-10 days ago, but it kept telling me that the soil
was plenty moist just a few inches from the surface. Also, no signs of droop in the plants.
I have been noticing that day by day, the "moist" reading has needed the hydrometer to be put deeper and deeper.
It now takes about 3.5 inches for it to get to the moist zone. Also, I can feel through the small holes in the bottom, that the soil at the bottom is definitely drying.

#1- Growing like crazy, BUT, I think it is showing signs of mag deficiency, with lime discoloration of the tips of the leaves.
#2- Untopped,pretty much untrained; "control" plant. Also showing the same signs as #1, but a little less prominent.
Leaf tip changes look like they are on new leaves, so ? maybe not mag ?
#3-Sat in the 1 gallon pot for a little while longer, and transplanted into 3 gallon pot, with supersoil 6 days ago.
Tried to do the same thing as I did with the 7 gallon transplants. Put as much supersoil as I could, very thin layer of roots, no "transition zone", and then
put Roots around to fill everything in.

#4-Seems to have recovered as best as I can hope, nice green new growth. Neither #4 or #3 showing significant leaf changes/mag def.

So, I think the biggest issue is if this is a mag deficiency , and what to do about it.
Options include:
1)just continue watering with distilled water and epsom salts
2)use equal parts distilled water & epsom salt/R/O which has just had new filters put in.
3)go buy a bottle of cal/mag
4)Add foliar feed with any of the above,although I am not convinced the folliar feed did anything the first go-around.
5)Use the Ace in the hole: I have a bin with 6 weeks worth of fresh worm castings. I have read that it will not harm the plants, and am very tempted to
throw a thin layer on the top of the soil prior to watering ??? Just hard to know how much mag is in the castings. I have been putting plenty of good stuff into the mix,
kelp, crushed oyster shells, rock phosphate, humic acid, alfalfa pellets,etc. etc.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Very nice grower.......your mix sounds good to me and love your worm bin, if your feeding the red wigglers quality compost then it should contain enough mag.your correct on the magnesium def or lock out.

A top dress or tea is always a good idea IMO

Good luck and be safe....


Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there.
Was not expecting to post so soon, but leaves on #2 have some new changes.
I was so close to using the castings as top dressing. When I went to filter/clean/purify, I was pretty sure I saw mites in there. More than one kind, I think.
Was not going to put that in the plants.
Ended up watering ( on 1/19/14) with a distilled water with epsom salt:R/O water, AND putting a VERY THIN layer of supersoil in #'s 1 and 2.
#1 looks pretty good, but #2 has developed lightning and curving of some of the leaves. #2 also has slight curving but doesn't have ( ?yet) the leaf discoloration.

So, not sure if this is progression of the mag deficiency which is possible, but these leaf changes are different than what I saw
with the first go-around with the mag deficiency.
Could it be "burn" from the little bit of supersoil ? I guess part of the "heat" could have gotten to part of the root system that had not
aclimatized to the super soil.
Could it be burn from the light ? #2, the untopped/untrained plant is now 21 inches tall, and the lights are 6-7 inches above the top, where the other plants are 12-14 inches tall
and are 11-12 inches from the light.
Thanks for stopping by, and any help thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Hi out there.
Thanks all for stopping by,I feel like I have missed a good hang ;)
Hi foreverflyhi, thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Hyroot, I checked out your youtube vids a few weeks ago, and I am in awe. Amazing.
I saw that you showed your worm bin. Do you only use the castings in teas, or do you use them in other ways ?
Seems too easy to just layer that stuff on top, as I realized when I ran in to numerous critters.
Most worm composting sites address that the critters are not dangerous to the worms, but don't address whether they aer so specialized to decaying
and acidic/citrus debris or they can actually harm a cannabis plant too.
One post on RIU mentioned putting the castings in a plastic back and leaving outside for a few days and then putting it in the freezer for a day or two.
Does this make any sense ? or will that destroy/denature the good stuff as well ?
As far as the plants go, #'s 1 and 4 are looking pretty solid with nice green growth. #1 doesn't look terribly mag deficient anymore and does not have
the leaf changes that #2 has.
#2 is definitely in a little bit of a funk. but it is not exactly clear. The buds still seem to be looking good, but the new leaves around the bud could look better.
I have raised the lights a bit, now 6-7 " above #2.

Here are some pics from Friday, 1/24.
Checked the "moisture-meter" this morning and looks like I will be able to get to the weekend to give a good watering.

1st 4 pics, #1, 2nd 2 pics #2, 3rd pic #3, 4th pic #4

Have a great day,

