First Ever Grow Scrog... Ak-47?

Hi all, This is my first ever grow and am a little confused as to how to trim my plant below the screen.. I have been heavily lst'ing this baby from seed as i have been waiting for the funds to purchase my equipment.. its the middle of winter here now where i am and she has been outside during the day and under 2x 130w cfl veg bulbs at night for about 12 weeks now... For the last 4 nights she has been under a 600w MH under the screen i built...
As far as i know, i was told the seed was ak-47 but not real sure...
Any hints or tips would be appreciated..
I will keep pictures coming as things progress...
Any advice would be appreciated..
When to flip 12/12?
Any idea on strain?
Indica or sativa pheno?
How and when to trim below screen?


Active Member
Hey man, since nobody replied here to you I thought I'd help you out. I don't normally do SOG or ScOG, but when I've seen people growing their plants this way they usually have all the foliage beneath the screen removed so there's nothing but sticks beneath the screen. Catch my drift?


If its been vegging for 12+ weeks as you said, go ahead and flip the lights to 12/12 and the plant will really take off in size.

Once the screen gets filled up a bit more and lower light is diminished, slowly begin trimming the lower leaves AFTER they start to die. Right now it still looks like light is penetrating the plant so no real need to trim just yet.
Thanks for your advice.. I built a cloner and took some clones from beneath the canopy. I removed all small stems that were not going to grow above the screen..
I realise i have more to remove i just wanted to take some clones first..

Here are some pics...



Well-Known Member
I like to flip to 12/12 when the screen is about 75% full. and as far as trimming the lowers I start at the begining trimming everything 6" from the base.. everything else gets left alone., but thats just me..
looking good thus far keep it up..