First ever grow! stealth closet cfls


Looking at Day 3 here. Growing 3 White rhino plants under 6 27w 5500K cfls. Using Gardeners Gold organic potting soil. 2 of the seedlings are growing fast, starting to see the cotyledons! But one seems to be a slow starter. its sprouted but hasnt popped outa its cube yet :( Just have to wait and see I guess. well I'll be back with more pics on day 6!

PS: I also thought id throw in a pic of the the Light fixture i made because i thought it was pretty dope.



Elite Rolling Society
This man uses his head for more than putting a hat on and sticking a joint in!!!!



Just wanted to update that the seedling that wasnt doing well didnt make it. the other two are still going strong. Got there second set of leaves. ones leaves are a little droopy. think i over watered it a little yesterday. put up more pics in a couple days. peace.


well the plants seem to be doing well. these are the picks of day 7. both are showing there second set of true leaves so im super stolked! more pics later. peace.



Well-Known Member
Badass light ya made there lol! I tried my hand at it but seemed that my "reflector" was absorbing too much heat so and didnt reflect enough light back.

Anyway, definitely subsrcribing :)


thanks man. everything i used to make it i got from home depot. the reflector was just a big piece of ducting i cut up with tin snips. id say the whole thing probably set me back 30 bucks(thats without the lights of course.)


what kind of ducting like were did u find it in homedepot, sry for the questions im just trying to make a similar reflector
lol.. no problem bro. when i bought it, it was in the ducting isle and looked like a half a tube basicaly. it was 5 feet long. i cut it straight down the middle and then into pieces. so with a total of six pieces i atatched them to the underside of my fixture and bent them to the desired shape. i'll get some better pics up tomorrow my wife is out with her friends and has our camera. peace.


Well these are 3 pics on day 19 from seed. Starting to worry about the plants. they seem small to me. should they be growing faster? also one plant seems to be growing at half the speed of the other one and dosnt look as green looks a little on the yellow side. plants are pretty bushy though.

