First Ever Grow: UK, Amnesia Haze;WW Bubblegum;x3White Fya;Sleestack 600W

Hello fellow growers of RIU pretty baked atm so may be a few errors, anyway it's time introduce you to my first grow. I'm currently growing: Amnesia haze, Auto Superbud, White Widow bubblegum, Sleestack (G13 Haze cross) and X3 White Fya. All purchased from sea of seeds I've got a 2x1.4x2 grow tent which is waiting to be put up but i can't due to heat levels as i've not bought an intake and exhaust for it yet. They're currently Just chillin in my under 2 x 600w 1 MH 1 HPS i have two hps bulbs but i was told MH creates better internodes and just a bushier plant in genenral.
There is one 12 inch rotating fan on lowest setting, got them potted in 5L pots with john innes soiil with added john innes with a mix of perlite and vermiculite their due to be repotted because the size of the plant and roots are starting to show at the bottom of the pot cba with it getting rootbound bigger roots make bigger plants! Or so i've heard.
They started in very small pots which i regret i'm not sure what the measurement was and they were under a 125 floral then moved onto 600w hps due to slow growth.


This was a week give or take a few days from germination from seed Sleestack


White widdow cross bubblegum

Auto super bud

The 3 white Fyas all lookin very similar!!

I xfered them outa those really small pots you can see them in at 2 1/2 - 3 week from seed

White widdow bubblegum

Auto superbud


Amnesia Haze

White fya #1

White fya #2 (top 1)

White fya #3
I'll continue to post pictures tomorrow untill i finally get round to the present, shoulda started this diary from day 1! Got all the pictures though so no worries really. Stay faded RIU
Cheers man only problems i'm encountering is browning of some of the leaves at the current stage i am at. This is where i'm upto it's week 5 from seed, not perfect conditions obviously or they'd be huge with the amount of light they're under
White fya #1

White fya #2

White fya #3

WW Bubblegum


Sleestack ( only possible male )

And finally last but not least the infamous Auto superbud which began flowering 3 days ago at exactly 5 weeks from seed

So, last week or so ran into a few problems, browning of the leaves is this possible to be from 2 weeks ago when they went under major heat stress or does this look new and likely to be a deficiency?

A few very small nodes on sleestack are just completely dry n dead dunno what from tho guys?


Well-Known Member
Could be the heat stress, or maybe a magnesium deficiency. The earlier pics - have they been getting overwatered or was that also from the heat? If it turns out to be a magnesium deficiency, you can use Epsom salts (1-2 teaspoons to a gallon of water) and make 3 applications 6 weeks apart. Sorry I can't be of anymore help mate... best of luck!
Could be the heat stress, or maybe a magnesium deficiency. The earlier pics - have they been getting overwatered or was that also from the heat? If it turns out to be a magnesium deficiency, you can use Epsom salts (1-2 teaspoons to a gallon of water) and make 3 applications 6 weeks apart. Sorry I can't be of anymore help mate... best of luck!
Right so i put the tent up at what.. Line week 5? Left them for 1 day with 1200w of hps/ mh the next day they we're absoloutley ruined, brought them back alot but a few lower leaves were dwilted and still going through necrosis. I don't over water, when the core of the soil is dry i water. No worries all help appreciated. I'll get a few pics on today they've all grown. Set up the tent now aswell just worried about tempts cause i have no intake or exhaust yet. Working on it asap, honestly too hot? They're outside in the cold english winter ill put some pics on now man
So went out lastnight set up the tent, bought 120 L of soil and 6 5 gal pots more perlite and put them straight in the tent. Had seen no growth for a week or so imo think they were rootbound the roots were crazy when i took then out should of got some pics


amnesia haze

White fya 1

White fya 2&3

White widow bubblegum

Auto super bud



Well-Known Member
Looking good man considering you have used a hps bulb for vegging.

I used 1 MH 600, then added another MH 600 until they could handle 2 MH's.

Keep the MH's for 18/6 lights only and change to HPS 600's when go into flower.

We have a lack of cal naturally in our water round here so have to supplement cal mag right through.
I used a bit of both to be honest man switched into 12/12 now under the hps , i lower stress trained them all but they've all straightened back out now got one small ass crazy bush. Before i repotted it :


Well-Known Member
Nice man, Ive kept my ties on still, keeping them tied for another week at least, trying to prevent that straightening up.

Look ace man, they gonna go mental now flipped!