First Ever Grow


Active Member
This is my first grow and I have attached some pictures to share. The bigger ones are around 4-5 weeks and the smaller one is around 2 1/2 weeks. I do plan on moving the bigger ones into bigger pots very soon. Please let me know if it looks alright to all you experts out there.



Active Member
They look fine, assuming they are from seed?
Get 'em Tp'ed asap.
Yeah, they are from seed. Bag seed acually, Just kinda working out my whole process before I get some serious stuff going. I topped the one and I am doing the other one probably today. Thanks for the post.


Active Member
babies looks ok. Don't know if you need to re-pot them as the pots seems quite ok. Watch for overwatering (picture three shows a bit of over watering) and also watch the nutes - picture 1 has a strange yellowish leaf. Are those two your only light bulbs? If so try buying 2-3 more and yes, read the forum, especially the jurnals. Will help you alot and your babies aswell.


Active Member
babies looks ok. Don't know if you need to re-pot them as the pots seems quite ok. Watch for overwatering (picture three shows a bit of over watering) and also watch the nutes - picture 1 has a strange yellowish leaf. Are those two your only light bulbs? If so try buying 2-3 more and yes, read the forum, especially the jurnals. Will help you alot and your babies aswell.
I have a larger bulb you can not see in the pictures that is attached to fixture above the plants and have moved the smaller lights up there with it as the plants seem to like them up there better then below as in the pitures. I will watch the watering closer and I have noticed the yellowing and have went back to just water for a couple days.


Active Member
nice start.. heres mine at 2 weeks exactly from bagseed its my first attempt as well.:peace:

This is some updated pictures of the babies and would like to have some feed back from everyone.

Quick question from you experts out there. Is there a real set rule for how long you are to let them Veg or is it really up to the grower on how long and how big they want the plant to get before they begin flowering. This is my first grow and I wanted to just play around with some diffent things and I was going to let the bigger ones veg for another week and then start flowering them. Let me know what you think. Thanks all.

