first ever grow,


hi im about to embark on my first ever grow and want maximum yield using just 4 pots.

my question is this:

do i go for 4 single oxy pots or a 4 pot system using a res and control pod ( if i go for the res system which is the one i'm leading towards, how do i use it in respects of nutes and whats the control pod for?

i know this must sound strange but with so many systems to use its easy to get confused.

first grow will be super lemon haze mmm tastey :)



Well-Known Member
This looks like really fancy DWC system that fills itself. The control pod looks like it's just a bucket that is fed by the res. via gravity and from there pumped to the DWC buckets. 110L, isn't that like 25 US gallons? That seems like ton for 4 plants in a DWC system. I just top off with a milk jug. I am no expert on that system but, it seems like an awful lot for first try and only 4 plants. Lets see what the others say.


i would prefer to use oxy pots but i'll only be able to attend to them in the evening , i,m worried they'll drink more than i can give them in 24hrs. thats why im leaning towords the top-up res.


Well-Known Member
I am going to have to give this to you in US gallons. I have an 18 gallon tote that hold 3 plants. The Fill line that I made is at 13 gallons, I change the water every 7-10 days. I only top off once in between res. changes.
That being said, if you have the funds and the space for that system it looks pretty cool and expandable if you want to go to 6 or 8 pots. I suspect that the res will just be filled with pH water for the top off, the nut solution will be in the buckets alone. Some of the DWC growers will top off with a nute solution but, most it's just pH water. Good luck with whatever you land on, Cheers! Did I use the Cheers, correctly?


have you any experience with the stealth hydro? i'm trying to find a company that will ship it cos sh dont. im a bit dubios about the spacing for the plants, it looks quite small. whatever system i plumb for it will go in a 1.2x0.80x1.8 tent. maybe even a wilma 4! ah this so hard when theres so much to choose from lol. oh and cheers for the info, i dont understand gallons but im guessing one top up a day will be fine lol


Well-Known Member
I have not had any experience with Stealth, I make my stuff myself. Sort of ghetto style. I only have 3 pots in my tub and they are pretty close. Those look like 5 gallon buckets with that system, if the are they are about 1 foot in diameter. It is going to be pretty crowded in there with 4 of them. I would go with 3 but, that's just me. Have you considered hempy buckets? Just a thought, they are easier than DWC I think but, DWC is not that hard either. It's just a little easier to maintain and the start up costs are low.


Well-Known Member
I grow 3 plants at a time and I use 3 separate DWCs. No hassle whatsoever. I just fill them up with required nute strength and have a 25litre bucket with about half the nute strength. This lasts about 7-10 days(depends on humidity) in veg. They do drink a little bit more when flowering but well manageable. Attending to your plants once a day is more than fine. If you miss a couple of days, fear not coz weed is a hardy plant and most problems can be fixed with a water change/flush. My advice is - NOT TO PANIC or FUSS TO MUCH.


thanks doug and billy thats really helpful, i've never heard of a hempy bucket so i'll have a look. think i'm going to go for seperat oxy buckets as they're reasonably priced and easy to maintain. what sort of yield can i expect once im in the flow so to speak?



Well-Known Member
TRY ntf very easy and scrog 205gti nft system 6oz every time.

Good for first time and good results. I never had any problems.

Please note the pic below is one plant using only ionic

1m x 0.6m x 1.5m


Well-Known Member
TRY ntf very easy and scrog 205gti nft system 6oz every time.

Good for first time and good results. I never had any problems.

Please note the pic below is one plant using only ionic

1m x 0.6m x 1.5m
Nice Bro, what strain is that? good job!


i've decided to also use cfl because the cost difference on the elecy bill and i think it may have to run on nights, also do the pumps in the pots run in time with the lights or are they 24/7?.
i haven't got a clue bout nft, get blagged every time i try reading bout it lol:s, although your plant looks sweet and probably smells it:) dwc for me though


Well-Known Member
NFT from my reading is not the best but not the worst. I think its very easy to manage as should there be a problem you can change the water ph / cf with no issues at all . I only just got a 400w hps as i was also worried about the electric but it really does not use much.

Yes the pump are on all the time (only disadvantage) but its only one small tiny pump. The root system is like a carpet of root

Get your self a nft with a 250w hps and you will be fine.

My cheese is so dank it is a very risky grow. The smell is over kill.

Good luck with the cfl and i dont mean to go on about nft ;-)

Are you UK ? as i can show you the #NFT kit



this may sound dim but i've been looking at nft but cant figure out how the plant stands up right?lol what am i missing? any chance of some close up shots of above and below the tray pleeeaase :)

how fast does your cheese grow