First ever grow

So this is my first ever post on this site, and what better way to kick it off than to show you my "babies." Lol, so i planted 6/4 and potted 6/8 i think. My grow space is a Uhaul box that is 18'' x 18" x 28". As far as lighting goes I have 2 42w cfls 2700k and 2 23w 5000k. I also have 2 fermenting bottles for a co2 supplement. I know its not the best lighting but its good for my budget, as i dont know how long this fun hobby will continue, and it seems to being doing really well. I do plan on adding 1-2 more 42w 2700k here in the near future. Oh and btw, both plants are just bagseed. There were 3 plants in the beginning but i gave one to a buddy and she died. Im 21 days into grow so i need to catch you guys up with pics. This first set is from 6/4 and 6/5



Well-Known Member
It's better to use 5000k-6500k cfl bulbs for vegging. :-P

We all gotta start somewhere. Welcome to RIU:weed:
It's better to use 5000k-6500k cfl bulbs for vegging. :-P

We all gotta start somewhere. Welcome to RIU:weed:
I know, but there are no high watt 5000k+ bulbs locally (27watt is highest), i figure more lumens is more valuable than full light spectrum, if im wrong please let me know though.
Thanks btw, and for anyone else interested i will try and keep updated with pics and such, thanks for checkin out my post. Any tips, advise, or even constrictive criticism(be nice, lol) are welcomed and appreciated!!!
ALSO, How far away do you think i am from flowering? thanks!
Also i took another pic just now, just becuase LST sure is making my plants beautiful, lol. Which i also want to thank this forum for educating me about.



Well-Known Member
how far you are away from flowering.. you can switch lights to 12/12 anywhere from 16 days old to 9 weeks or more even.. but keep in mind the plant will double or triple in size when you flip the i would veg for maybe 3 or 4 weeks?you dont have alot of space so you gotta be careful.but since youre lsting you can veg for longer..just keep in mind how much they will grow when flowering time comes around.
how far you are away from flowering.. you can switch lights to 12/12 anywhere from 16 days old to 9 weeks or more even.. but keep in mind the plant will double or triple in size when you flip the i would veg for maybe 3 or 4 weeks?you dont have alot of space so you gotta be careful.but since youre lsting you can veg for longer..just keep in mind how much they will grow when flowering time comes around.
I suppose when you say they will triple in size, your talking about them stretching from looking for light, not overall growth, correct?

Also i do have another question. I have a vacation planed on july 23-august 3 where i will not be here to tend to plants, Im not overly concerned about watering them as my mother knows about them (not a big fan, but they havent been cut down XD), and will proabably water them once. They only thing im a little concerned about is the lighting. I dont want to come home and find the top half of my canopy burnt (its too much to ask for her to mess with the lights as well). Its a month away so i have plenty of time to think, but you guys are the pros, so what do you think, veg another month through the week long vacation, or flower early so i can sex before the vacation??? Any advise is greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
no, overall growth.but its more like double, some strains triple..and i would just veg another month. raise your lights a little more before you go, that way they wont grow into them.
Wow quick response! Thanks, i was kinda leaning more towards continuing veggin anyways. And space isnt really an issue, i figure ill just take it out of the box when it get big enough, as stealth isn't a huge concern atm.
Well i just re planted one, and changed around my set up, it;s not as efficient, but nothing a few new bulbs wont fix. Unfortunately the roots were already pretty prominent as i know i tampered with a little off both plants, but so far i'm an hour into transplant,and there is no droopiness on either so far, but only time will tell. My fingers are crossed, lol.
BTW, I think its too soon, but in the pics it looks like i have hairs on my nodes, are these pistals? There only 3 week old plants, I cant imagine.... These little hairs are usually in groups of 2, but aren't very big. Maybe im just seeing what i want to see. You can see what im talking about in the middle of each pic. Advice please?



Do the plants only double or triple in size when they're young (under a month or so?) and the lights are switched then??

I vegged my plants to 4 feet or so and gained nothing on the overall height after switching the lights to 12-12 opposite of what ive heard of
Im not real sure, i just switched to 12/12 tonight, but im still under a foot on both of them. That would make sence though, since its already that big, maybe it doesn't stretch as much? Need a more experienced grower to answer that thought. More pics tomorrow after first full cycle of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Well i just re planted one, and changed around my set up, it;s not as efficient, but nothing a few new bulbs wont fix. Unfortunately the roots were already pretty prominent as i know i tampered with a little off both plants, but so far i'm an hour into transplant,and there is no droopiness on either so far, but only time will tell. My fingers are crossed, lol.
BTW, I think its too soon, but in the pics it looks like i have hairs on my nodes, are these pistals? There only 3 week old plants, I cant imagine.... These little hairs are usually in groups of 2, but aren't very big. Maybe im just seeing what i want to see. You can see what im talking about in the middle of each pic. Advice please?
Nah those two hairs you see are on both male and females. forgot what they're called but yeah. good luck man
Nah those two hairs you see are on both male and females. forgot what they're called but yeah. good luck man
Thanks, i finally figured it out last night after about 30 minutes on google. lol, From what i read, thats where male/fenale sex organs pop out, and they're there to protect them? I could be wrong but thats what i gathered from it. Thanks!
So i got a new baby :) It was lookin pretty pathetic at home depot, so i decided what the heck, im going to rescue a cute little carnivorous plant XD.... It looks pretty young, so maybe its not ready to eat :p Maybe it'll help with gnats when i get it healthy though, if not, its still kinda fun. Also have pics of day 4 of 12/12, lots of growth!!! Started using shultz 2-7-7 cactus nutes, started with 1/7th the dose(7 drop dose i think 1/4 teaspoon) and will work up to prevent nute burn, as i think i already have plenty of nitrogen from mg shake n feed i have already removed. Should i nute again next water, or the one after that? Also do you think i should bump up to 2 drops or 3 next feed?



i love the venus fly trap, wtf i didnt even ever think of those......i love em......i wanna feed em dead flies and such....they would l.ove me