First ever grow


sup dude loving the look of your plants from lst.. are you able to link me where you read up all about it? interested in doing it.

Only thing i can really comment on is get a better box i imagine the cardboard might begin to sag from moisture, other than that look good man!

Much Respect


Oh also i read somthing about nats further up. I had nats at one point early in the grow the easiest way to get rid of them is to let the soil dry right out, you can let the soil get pretty dry before your plants actually die from dhydration! Also have a good fan in there to blow them away. I've also read you can put an inch of sand over the top of the soil. My method seemed to get rid of them quickly tho and it was easy as 1,2,3! haha
Thanks for the replys The fly trap was for poops n giggles, buts its still going strong lol. I removed the box last week when i changed to 12/12, just so it didn't over grow the space. I didn't even think about it absorbing moisture though. Im glad i took it out so it didn'start molding :p
Lst is the shit!!! I just take some nylon string and wrap around stem then tie to pot. Take a look at my pic, the stem is going straight sideways, Makes it nice and "bushy" xD I'll probably have to support it a bit when/if it buds.
I let my soil get pretty dry after last water w/nutes, and low and behold i have very few if any gnats. Great suggestion!


i love the venus fly trap, wtf i didnt even ever think of those......i love em......i wanna feed em dead flies and such....they would l.ove me
I also have a sundew plant coming in the mail, which would thrive off pesky cfl gnats :p and grow well with the 12/12 hot humid closet environment. As well as a red dragon venus flytrap XD i went a little overboard. Also thinking about getting the htgsupply cfl double tube light for 50 bucks to light my little carnivorous plants :). Also it wouldn't hurt as supplemental light when they flower.


Active Member
How much you expecting to yield per plant? Just curious I'm thinkin bout doin a cfl grow and maybe adding an led to help flower...
How much you expecting to yield per plant? Just curious I'm thinkin bout doin a cfl grow and maybe adding an led to help flower...
Probably 14g dry at the most. If i get 14 i'll be happy. Thier are some beautiful cfl grows on this forum, on which i hope to add to :D I do have one confirmed female!!!!! AND its the sativa! WOOT. I will post pics in a day or two when my little white haired buddies are visible with the naked eye(must be the first day, because their practically invisible). Hopefully the other plant shows soon :)
Nevermind, i found a node with visible pistils, pics in 10 minutes
So do you think i should raise the lights on the sativa to make it branch out more, or is short and bushy better? first flower plz help
Just plucked a male, ah well, more lights for the pretty lookin sativa. I might make iso hash with the male, it'll be low quality tho
Alright, so its been a few weeks since I've posted, so I've got a little catching up to do. Well first off ill start with the male plant that got chopped. For those of you that wonder if its actually worth it to make hash, i used the iso method with much success. Just make sure you don't soak/shake for more than about 25 seconds total, if that. My male was pretty small, and did make much of a yield. Soso taste, decent high, so if that sounds worth it, then go for it. I certainly thought it was, better than just throwing it away. Ok, so i just got back into town from a week long vacation and the progress it has made while i was gone is just amazing. Although im a bit curious as to why the top(right side) of the plant is branching out as much as the bottom(left). Its not biggy, but it does look a bit odd. Ive included a pic of the only two substances im feeding, and having good success with. When do i need to discontinue nutes and molasses? Also a pic of my side project, nursing a sundew plant back to health. Any comments on my setup or anything for that matter are greatly appritiated! Enjoy :)

Edit: Btw freshmoney +rep


They popped out of the dirt June 6th(ish). From the look of things, i probably have about a month till harvest, maybe a week or two more on top of that.... Lol, i was definitely not thinking about quitting on my plant, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much hard work has gone into keeping my baby healthy. Just this thread, no one seemed interested for awhile so it seemed like a waste to keep posting. A Sundew plant is a carnivorous plant that eats anything dumb enough to land on its sticky dew drops that for on its leaves(such as pesky gnats). Its a fun little side project, as well as the two Venus flytraps I've adopted :) I'll be taking pics and posting them tomorrow, as i have a few beautiful trichome clusters.... ANNNNNDDDDD, for anyone that replys, starting after this post gets +rep. Thanks all!