First experiment: getting a late start outdoors


Active Member
Hey yall,

I got some bagseeds free from a friend a few weeks ago. They were mostly immature, but I figured I might as well germ these and have a free learning experience before moving on to quality seeds. Anyway, these four all germed on june 5th and are now coming up on 2 weeks old. I know this is a very late start, but hey, it'll be interesting to see what becomes of them. I'm not really expecting any yield...

One of the plants is notably larger and stronger than the rest, the seed it came from was healthier looking and larger than the others. The larger pots in the photo below are about 5 inch diameter. It was taken this morning, june 17, after a pretty heavy rain, so the soil's a little damp but there aren't drainage problems at all. The soil is miracle grow garden soil or something like that, with osmocote added at the recommended dosage.

So feel free to comment, we'll see how these turn out:peace:



Active Member
Here they are today, the two largest are getting a nice skunky smell:hump:. I'm kinda thinking the smaller plants are getting just a little yellow, if it's worse tomorrow I'll look into it.

The soil's still a little on the wet side, but the sun is just now coming out so they should dry out a little...



Active Member
Saturday the 21st, at 16 days old. The yellowing went away as the fert went to work. A little damage from insects, but I neem'd 'em so we'll see if that helps. :peace:



Well-Known Member
Looks good, dosnt really look like any dominant feature of Sativa or Indica, proboably be able to tell once it gets older and the leaf's get larger or stay small.

Let the sun do its thing baby, subscribed +

scratch my back.


Active Member
Oh yeah and....I might have missed this, but is it normal for outdoor plants to slightly wilt at night? It's not bad but it is noticable. They're always perked right up when I visit in the morning...:shrug: I'll research this a bit.


Active Member
Looks good, dosnt really look like any dominant feature of Sativa or Indica, proboably be able to tell once it gets older and the leaf's get larger or stay small.

Let the sun do its thing baby, subscribed +

scratch my back.
Thanks for the subscribe, +rep 4 u:peace:


Active Member
Here they are at 17 days, this was taken around 11am. The largest plant has 5 bladed leaves, and white roots are starting to show through the drainage holes. Probably transplant it to a 5gal bucket after work tonight. The insects are being held at bay, thankfully. Gotta run to the garden center soon for more neem oil...:peace:



Active Member the two largest plants transplanted into 12 inch pots last night. My supply of 5 gallon buckets disappeared over the years...:-? Anyway, both were loosely rootbound with nice, healthy white roots. As for the smaller two, I'm thinking they might go into the ground. We shall see shortly.:peace:



Active Member
my smallest plant just went into the ground, in a mixture of one part well drained soil to one part peat, the bale type. I added osmocote per the directions on the container and am using an automatic drip irrigation system...aka plastic bottle with a few pinholes. If this guy does nice I'll put the second smallest in as well. I'll get you guys a pic in a second. :peace:


Active Member
Forgot about this for a while.....:?

Anyway, the little plant that I put directly into the soil is now a 5 foot plant with definite female preflowers! The plant that was the largest in the photos went in the ground after a while too, it's about 3 and a half feet, can't be sure about its sex yet. The kinda retarded. It must have had some damage to its growing point, branching out kinda weird and only 2 feet tall...

The girl:


Active Member
Yesterday I killed a 3 and 1/2 foot male. I decided to make some ghetto ice-type hash as a little experiment...

I don't have any bubble bags just a pot, a wooden spoon

So I put in about a third of the plants' worth of leaves, a bunch of ice, then water. I stirred this until the water was first tan then green. I had no suitable filter and, at 1AM, I didn't wanna get one, so I just let the green water settle out in a ziploc gallon bag. This actually did leave a decent amount of "bubble hash" which I dried out on a paper towel then smoked.

That was kinda weird....

Immediately my heart sped up a little and I began to get a little shaky. I walked around my house doing stuff, just felt like I should keep walking and not stop. I ate a good amount of spicy thai food I had left over, it didn't really taste extraordinary but I didn't really feel full either. I chased this with sour patch kids and a kit-kat...guess this was the "munchies".

So I put on some Bob Marley on my iPhone and just kinda relaxed on my couch. The music was noticeably different. It almost sounded much more "3D" for lack of a better term, like I was in the recording room with Bob and not listening through headphones. It became harder to think about anything but the music. I didn't really feel any urge to move my body at all, I was content just listening to the music. It seemed like it had been at least two hours since I smoked the hash. In reality it was about one half.

My time perception was the most noticeable effect. I forgot why I was on the couch and what I had done numerous times, but none of this was concerning. I was mellow and stress free.

I believe the hash and music made me have several "lucid dreams" where I was unconcious but still heard the music and was aware of my surroundings.

I had a few silly thoughts too, I suspected that the downstairs of my house was infected with giant insects. This didn't really concern me, though. I reasoned that if we stayed on different levels of the house, we could get along.

And then I fell asleep.

Nothing really concerned me very much. Just a nice feeling, not very strong probably due to the low quality of the hash...

...and this stuff is illegal? Gimme a break.



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and....I might have missed this, but is it normal for outdoor plants to slightly wilt at night? It's not bad but it is noticable. They're always perked right up when I visit in the morning...:shrug: I'll research this a bit.
You're right when they wilt that is when they are using the stored light energy to rebuild and build cells and infrastructure of the plant and leaves.