First Ghost Scare of 2013

Dunno if carne hangs at the same paranormal forum I do, but there are ghosts. I've been an investigator for years and have seen it first hand. Fascinating stuff!
Dunno if carne hangs at the same paranormal forum I do, but there are ghosts. I've been an investigator for years and have seen it first hand. Fascinating stuff!

I've seen some weird shit living in New Mexico. Most of it could be explained away but a few left me scratching my head.
It's the headscratchers that keep me from getting too complacent in my sense of reality. cn

An open window.

Me and my nephews put up plastic around the windows to help keep out the coming cold snap yesterday. We're supposed to get down to -10 tonight. Well, I had the window open while we worked on getting the plastic in place. I worked the east side of the house and the nephews worked the west side. My window faces west and I get a lot of wind from that direction. I told them to be sure and do a good job on that window. I was paying the little bastards after all. During the night the wind started up and blew part of the plastic from my window. The window was open just enough to let the wind in (explanation for the dropping temperature) AND create the moaning sound that scared the liver out of me. My dumb ass nephews decided to use duct tape for my windows "as an experiment". They wanted to see how long it would last. I have an answer for them. An answer full of expletives and colorful metaphors. I may interject some personal insults. Depends on the flow of the conversation. I've already told them that we needed to have a talk. A loooong talk. Little fuckers.

Excuses. She's watching you! :fire:

Oh no, I think I heard something too :shock: