First Grow 10 plants ( White Rhino / Northern Lights ) 1000W HPS


Well-Known Member
I have some pretty nice techniques I think for lst. All my plants I grow are low stress trained. Its best growing a plant to where all the branches compete for the top. In my experience. Let me know if you would like further details.


New Member
Couple of the plants are starting to get more leafs coming.
Few of the leafs on a few plants are looking very thin and kinda wrinkly just like in this picture

Anyone know if this is a problem, if so how is it fixed?

Hmm thought u might have some weird method for making them grow faster. But i will wait till monday to check for the 2 week period to funny compare size. Ill post pics then but never the less the details.

-3 gallon buckets of potting soil with nutrients and peat moss and those white balls.
-1000W HPS that is 20inch above buckets
-Temp : 74-76
-Humidity 25-35
-Nutes PureBlendPro Grow/Bloom. just used a little amound yestarday because one of the leafs looked a little yellow. seemed to help its color the PBP Grow.

Plants are looking green but on 2 of them the leafs look very weak and on this picture it seems at if the small leaf below the left big one is actually broken off the big left 1. someone was suggesting its because i have the fan pretty close but i dont think that could be the solution. Other told me it was fine.

hope that made sense cause im really stoned


Well-Known Member
Hmm thought u might have some weird method for making them grow faster. But i will wait till monday to check for the 2 week period to funny compare size. Ill post pics then but never the less the details.

-3 gallon buckets of potting soil with nutrients and peat moss and those white balls.
-1000W HPS that is 20inch above buckets
-Temp : 74-76
-Humidity 25-35
-Nutes PureBlendPro Grow/Bloom. just used a little amound yestarday because one of the leafs looked a little yellow. seemed to help its color the PBP Grow.

Plants are looking green but on 2 of them the leafs look very weak and on this picture it seems at if the small leaf below the left big one is actually broken off the big left 1. someone was suggesting its because i have the fan pretty close but i dont think that could be the solution. Other told me it was fine.

hope that made sense cause im really stoned
I dont really understand the last part but I do have some advice that could speed up the growth. I wouldnt start LST quite yet, wait till you get some more foliage on there so your not sacrificing the life of the plant. The 1000 watt HPS for your little guy is way to powerful. Invest $40 bucks and do your babies a favor by buying 2 2 ft dual florescent tube fixtures at home depot. Mary janes in the vegetive state love blue the spectrum. Get them what they want. Also the 3 gallon is a little big to start. A red party cup is fine for seedlings and clones untill the root space starts spiraling in the bottom and round the sides. I check my roots periodically to make sure they are in good condition being as careful as possible. Also watering is key. Scheduling waterings get difficult since rootmass and water uptake is always changing with the size of the plant so experience helps. The KEY is water till its draining out the bottom. Thats why I say the 3 gallon is a little overkill for the size of your plant. You also want to be ph testing the runoff. Checking the soil's ph as well as the runoff will ensure your plants are growing in a perfect medium and arnt going to have ph related problems such as burning, nutrient lockup and so on. Hope this helps. Oh ya bump up the humidity. Im up around 40%-50%


New Member
Day 10 (from Sprouting)

Now for the update.

The plants are looking better then ever. They are already getting a strong earthy smell. I just put some PBP Grow nutes at a very small amount.

ATM i really cant afford to spend any more money on this. It was either a HPS or CFL's for the whole thing. Got a good deal on this HPS and from what i have read the HPS should do fine from seed to weed :D.

My next grow I will definatly invest in a better vegging light (mh maybe).

Anyway Pictures say a thousand words so here are twenty thousand words.



New Member
Day 11 (from Sprouting)

The northern lights are growing pretty nice and fast and looking excellent same with the power skunk(soon will catch up with some of the the White Rhino's if they don't quit fucking around and grow)

Pictures 1-4 are pictures of each NL plant, and pictures 5-8 are of the NL plant in Picture 4.

Picture 9 is of the Power Skunk.

Pictures 10-14 are of each White Rhino, and pictures 15-19 are of the White Rhino that is turning out more and more deformed. If you have any advice for me on what this could be I would greatly appreciate it.

Got a PH Meter from the nursery today like the really cheep $10 dollar ones but it doesn't seem to work just like the $20 dollar one I got at a different nursery that does PH / Moisture / Light.

Am I doing something wrong with these meters. Like the moisture / light works but the PH just stays at 7 even when i put it in water that i squeezed a lime into.



New Member
They are looking even better ATM grew lots from last update except a few white rhino which are taking forever to grow. geeze


Well-Known Member
looking good

seems like a perfectly healthy plant to me. they should start tking off at this point. keep it up!


New Member
You are right in 2 days one of the NL really took off. Here is an update on my phone camara. Its not so bad it just get some random lines from the light depending on the picture.

Pics 1-4 are NL. ( First picture is of the one that really took off. In the last update its the one with the hand right beside it and it had more the one picture)

Pic 5 of Power Skunk.

Pics 6-10 of WR



New Member
Thanks guys, Im super excited with them looking this good and it being my first grow. Im just kinda disappointed that the WR are like 2 inches tall LST is gonna be hard with them cause i got like nothing to work with :/ hopefully they pick up soon. Its just weird how 1 of them is growing like the NL and 2 of them are pretty descent and the other 2 are just soo tiny still.


New Member
Day 15 (from sprouting)

The plants are looking awesome guys! They are really taking off some of them.

I still need to get a good PH tester as I think there could something very well be wrong with the WR soil PH.

Anyway here are all the pictures.



Well-Known Member
a good digi soil ph meter is only 10 bucks at the hydro store or 20 or so at home depot. You should consider getting the tabs for reading liquids pH and adjusting all the water you add.

I forget are you using nutes?

Comin along nice brother!


Well-Known Member
wait...are you using that crap PH meter with the long probes, and the green housing with the needle that is supposed to swing left or right, but never actually does? If so it is a complete waste, and it doesnt work. Invest in a liquid PH meter, test the water going into, and out of your pots.