first grow. 12 plants


3 gods gift
3 suicide
3 diablo grande
3 B. kush
8 more clones coming ( NYC, sour diesel and lavender kush)

I have them under a 400 watt metal halide for 20/4. right now it has no vent fan but i am installing that tomorrow. when i finish my flower room i will have 2 600 watt bulbs over them. i will mix a MH with a HPS for flowering. there are in hydro pelets which absorb the nutrients. i have to make a template to cove the top so that just the inside of each pot will only see light so that the outside of the pot where the roots will grow will not be hit by light. the room temp is arouns 70-75 degrees. i will also be putting in a c02 tank tomorrow with a 150 dollar gage. I will post more pics during the entire phase. anyone have any other suggestion to help my grow please doooo

Thank you

Joseph Y.



so i bought 10 more clones. these are in better condition then the other ones. the guy said he just cut them yesterday. the other were from some doctor in LA so they were a little old. 4 of the ones from LA have not sprouted roots the rest have. since the trat i have in there is 4 by 2 i can only fit 16 plants. 12 from the LA guy and 4 from the other guy. i have 6 more clones which i dont have room for so im making a custom plexy glass box to fit into room which will be roughly 5 by 3. this will allow me to fit 24-28 plants in my veg room. acroos the way when my babies are ready to flower i will build another custom box 5 by 4. i will probably only be able to flower 20 since each will be givin one square foot. i finally installed the exhaust fan. im going to raise the board a inch or two so its perfectly level. my guy who helped was high when he was holding it. lol also if anybody knows ifi even have to have an exhuast fan becuase it doesnt seem like its getting too hot in the room or even at the top of the plants. it stays anywhere from 69 -74 degrees. its a little loud so i installed a black sound and light barrier on other side of wood as shown in picture below. the 8 from the LA guy that survived ( the other 4 were removed and i put in 4 of the new ones) are doing very good they look way healthier then a few days ago. i installed a c02 tank which turns on for 2 hours when the light turns on and every fifteen minutes of the hour after that. it says you should have your room at a c02 level of 1500 PPM. i rented a 600 dollar device from the hydro store i go too that helped me figure out what the PPM are in the room.

please feel free to comment or make any suggestions

much appreciated :weed::bigjoint:



wow so its been so long sincei have posted. the girls are doing good i have had some issues with salt build up and calcium defiency but there being corrected and plants are recovering pretty good. unfortunelty a week ago a ducting tothe hood fromthe fan fell off and i wasnt aware untill i got home and the ducting was off for 9 hours so it burned the tops off plants not too bad but enough. i had duct tape over the ducting to secure it but that obviously didnt hold. i got some metal round clamps they work perfectly. the plants are almost 2 months old i started flowerinf them a few days ago. i also just put up another 600 watt hps light on the right side of my shed when i started flowering, so to describe my shed again i have 2 sides one with a 400 watt MH and the other has a 1000 watt MH and a 600 watt HPS. im excited thisis my first grow and all is going pretty well. i have problems here and there but nothing major. i have bad luck with timers they kkep breaking one me and have messed up things pretty bad a few times with not watering and not turning on lights also one kept my intake flow on the tray and it overflooded. i finnaly stopped using digital ones the old fashiioned basic ones with switches works best. so ya i just added in the flowering nutrients yesterday which were big bud and bud candy along with my normal GH nutrients. i also have to add the appropriate amount of cal mag which is calcium becuase im growing hydroponicly so i dont have the nutrients like soil does. i have been using hard water which is why i have salt build up and it effects my plants enough to wear we bought a reverse osmosis filter today it should be coming in soon cnt wait becuase it wil help so much with the baby girls. theyll be so much happier hhaha. im having a litttle problem with putting co2 into the room becuase i pretty much always have to have my exhuast fan on becuase my three light make my room so hot and if i have the co2 on while the exhaust fan is on it seems like a waste becuase im just throwing the co2 right out the room. anyone have any ideas? if i turn the fan off itll get hot within 10 min to like 85-90 degress. i could install an air conditioner butid rather not. i will update pics tomrrow they have gone alot bigger since my last post.

please feel free to throw any advice at me i appreciate it


till next post stay up. way wayyy up thereee:bigjoint:


CORRECTION- in the begging i had
3 gods gift
3 suicide
3 diablo grande
3 B. kush
but those were super weak clones from this girl who said she got them from a doctor in LA and they looked like they were almost dead which is exacltly what happend to almost all of them and the rest were so small i just tossed them. i shouldnt have bout them but oh well i got 15 more from an awesome connect and they look beautiful. the strains are cheese, NYC, Sour diesel and this was a month a half ago and now were a few days into flowering these beautiful girls
ok finally ive had time to upload pics. there doing good unfortunately they become a little dry and a little light burn on the side where i have the 600 watt mh hanging. the vent fell off so the hot air wasnt leaving the room and it got to 110 for a while. wont let that happen again i got hose clamps for the vents that connect to the hoods of the lights. this first grow is all a learning process im hoping to yield half pound from these 14 girls. next grow after these harvest im going to start from seeds these clones were nice but seeds i believe i will get a fuller healthier stronger plant and itll be first generation. next grow will be AK47, White Widow, other possibilities are blueberry snow white i will be ordering in a month or so.

but unfortunately when beggining this first grow i made the mistake of getting the plants when i only had a tray and reservoir and florescent lights. and now im alot further then that. a total of 2000 watts in the room 1600 on flower side and 400 on veg. the flower is a mix of MH and HPS. but these girls have gone under so much stress in and out of the room like twice a week for the first month because i had to setup my room while having the plants. i wasnt sure what i was getting into when i got the girls but now ive researched tons and i thank Jorge Cervantes growers bible alt for the knowledge ive acquired over the last 2 months. i will be taking pics every 2 weeks until harvest time. there about 1 week into flowering now.

please feel free to comment or make suggestions on anything you read or see

much appreciated:weed:



my baby girls are lookingg so good. they dont appear to have defencies. the buds are loooking good. i know have 1 100 watt mh and 1 600 hps and 1 400 hps over these 15 girls. the problem i founf out is that i dont have enough space for as many girls as i have. this is my 1st grow so ive learned alot. but still there are bud sites all over and the good 1/4 top part of all teh plants are recieve really good light. my lights are cooling pretty well so i am able to keep the lights pretty close. i got 3 co2 tank the other day so i only have to refill at the store once a month becuase it takes me about 10 days to run empty on a co2 tank. cnt wait untill next grow when i rebuild my grow room to maximaze production. i will have 2 veg site and 2 floweing. please feel free to comment. thanks

i will post more pics after today pics