*First Grow* 14 clones 16 seeds INDOOR


Active Member
Haven't changed anything yet the humidity is now at 45% at 80 degrees. Some leaves seem to be growing crooked (not strait and flat). Not necessarily curling. Any opinions?


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Just got done with my weekly changing the water of the reservoirs and adding the nutes so i figured i would post an update... even though no one seems to be watching. The PPM for my reservoir is now at about 1000 at 70 degrees water temp. Thought i would post a couple pictures of some "problem leaves" to see if anyone has some input. Most of the "problem leaves" seem to be low on the plant. The new leaves growing seem to be in good shape.



Active Member
Thinking about vegging one more week then cutting clones then switching the lighting to 12/12 and putting the budding newts in what u guys think?


Active Member
It took me a little struggle to adjust the ph between 5.8-6.1 and had to end up adding allot of ph up and down to adjust it correctly. The water now has a high ppm because of it and water looks more murky. Will this affect my plants for this week even though the ph is at 6.3


Active Member
Todays the big day to switch to budding. Im trimming the shade leaves right now and had a couple questions. Should I trim off the lowest couple nodes on each plants to get the focus more towards the top? Maybe even use them for clones? Even though I dont need clones we got allot of sour diesel coming in but its always good for practice right?

Let me know what you guys think asap please. Thanks


Active Member
Alright I trimmed all the shade leaves, made 30 clones, and adjusted lighting to 12/12. I have one major issue with pH though. When I adjust it after i add the nutes a wait a couple minutes then check the pH level. After adding pH down till I finally got it to read 6.1 20 minutes after. Then after about 2 hours i go and check and its at 3.13!!! Why is the pH dropping so much later?

Anyways update pics on the plants
