FIRST GROW: 150 watt HPS, AF EasyRider

i think harvest time is nearing. on some of the older easyryders, most of the trichs have turned cloudy and the hairs are over half red. i have started flushing one to prep it for cutting in about a week. damn the yeild is pathetic for what i had hoped :wall: hopefully the younger three wont disappoint me, they look much more promising.

this is my first time flushing/chopping so advice is needed please!:dunce:

in other news, my roommates decided they needed to turn the heat on which made my box get too hot with the hps in it so i was forced to take it out. now i have 6 cfls and the 90watt led

here are some pics:

left 3 are at 5 weeks, closest one is haze and the rest are easyryders. right 3 are at 7 weeks and are all easyryders

easyryder at 7 weeks. looking close to done? im pretty sure the crispy edges are from high box temps and lack of water one weekend. i dont think its nute burn but opinions?

easyryder at 5 weeks on left, suprisingly bigger than the older ones (on right). i think thats b/c it vegged under led

haze freebie seed from Dinafem @ 5 weeks

the runt easyryder @ 7 weeks. trichs are over 2/3 cloudy and 2/3 of hairs are red. should i flush and chop?

easyryder @5weeks. the runt of the second batch.

let me know what you guys think!
bump. help me out guys. any info on flushing/chopping would be greatly appreciated. the oldest girls have been going for 7 weeks from sprout. crystals are turning milky and the hairs red. yummmm i cant wait! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Its hard to tell from the pics but it looks like you have another couple weeks. Try to get a few clear close ups of the bud and that might help us give you a better idea. Do you have a scope to look at the trics?
yeah i looked at the microscope and most of the trichs look milky but it is my first time harvesting so im a little unsure if i would know what they look like when theyre done. i think i'll probably give it another week at least


Well-Known Member
yeah i looked at the microscope and most of the trichs look milky but it is my first time harvesting so im a little unsure if i would know what they look like when theyre done. i think i'll probably give it another week at least
I think thats a good idea :) Try to wait until most of the pistils "hairs" turn redish brown and the calyx's swell!! Lookin good though!

plants are dead. im down a lot of money. that pretty much sums it up lol :wall:

went to harry potter world for a few days and came back to some dead plants. tried to have my boy take care of them for the weekend but i guess he wasnt sure what to do. blame falls on both of us i guess.

maybe next time? :-(

thanks for following. shout out to smelly for being there the whole time. this whole thing has been a good learning experience. only wisdom i have to pass is to start out with a cheap setup. no need for leds even tho they are a joy to work with(no heat).