First Grow - 2,000 Watt - 30 Plants - Hydro (Help Me Grow)


Well-Known Member
root/stem rot. i dont even know how to get rid of it as its never been a problem of mine. but algae cant grow if it doesnt get light so id say put some covers on the tops of those cubes. i dunno really thought man. i guess id try to cut it off.


Well-Known Member
root/stem rot. i dont even know how to get rid of it as its never been a problem of mine. but algae cant grow if it doesnt get light so id say put some covers on the tops of those cubes. i dunno really thought man. i guess id try to cut it off.

try that! ive never had this problem EITHER

Old Goat

"Diatomaceous earth" and "algae" This is what they use not only to filter your pool water but to also kill the algae. Go to your local pool store or nursery store . Sprinkle it around you growing area and especially areas of dead air. You can use it for every method of growing. It's so safe you could eat it if you so choose.
"But I don't have any algae".... Do it anyway. You know the once of prevention may save the ounce you'll smoke later