First Grow, 2 Bag Seeds and an AK48 (LP Aero)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this is my first grow. First a little background

Being a stoner I seem to have lost my remaining AK48 seeds in the house somewhere (yes I know what a tard) so right now I'm using these 3 as my testers and I'll order some more seeds in the next week or 2.

Right now the 3 I was able to maintain from the fiasco of me popping them too early and not being prepared (yup my fault and I know it!) I kept them alive (though barely I think) and finally finished my veg system, a storage tote, EZ-Cloner Sprayers and net cups. Well Today I got it functional and moved my seedlings to it from the disaster they were in (floating in water in neoprene covers). Now they are getting misted for 1 min every 5 mins.

Right now they are being vegged under a 4 tube 2ft CAP mixed bulb T5 Fixture about 3-5 inches from them. (switching to a 600 HPS for flowering)

Here are pics of them:


Bagseed #1: Do the tips look burned? They look like some yellowing is that normal?

Bagseed#2: probably the best looking of the 3?


Well-Known Member
AK 48 Rootlets and Leaves:IMG_20111025_221901.jpg

Bag Seed #1 Rootlets and Leaves: (Note its hard to see but the left leaf is REALLY yellowed on the tip, and the other leaf has a brown spot? Anything to worry about?

Bagseed #2 Rootlets and Leaves:

I also just ordered some TGA Plushberry and Reserva Prada OG Kush I'm going to add to these.


Well-Known Member
OK Today I got my beans in! 5 TGA Plushberry, 1 Reserva Prada OG Kush and 2 freebies, a CH9 Humbolt and CH9 Aroma the last 3 are fem.

I set them up to germ just like the last batch as soon as the postman came :)

And here are some pics from today of the ladies (lets hope they are anyways :))

Group Shot:

2011-10-31 14.29.06.jpg

Bagseed #1:

2011-10-31 14.29.32.jpg2011-10-31 14.29.58.jpg

Bagseed #2:

2011-10-31 14.30.09.jpg2011-10-31 14.30.24.jpg


2011-10-31 14.30.44.jpg2011-10-31 14.31.11.jpg


Well-Known Member
I thought I mentioned it in the OP but I guess not... feel free to comment in this thread I have no objections to conversation. They look about the same today... I have been running straight tap water with a 6+ PH I'm heading to the store to get some Distilled water today hopefully that will deal with the yellowing tips.


Well-Known Member
Here is what the garden looks like today:

View attachment 1874850

Reserva Prada OG Kush Plant A:


CH9 Humbolt Plant A:


TGA Plushberry Plant D:


TGA Plushberry Plant A:


TGA Plushberry Plant B:


TGA Plushberry Plant C:


CH9 Aroma Plant A:


TGA Plushberry Plant E:


Bagseed Plant B:


Bagseed Plant A:


Nirvana AK-48 A:



Well-Known Member
Its Been a few days since I updated the log, I had what looks to be a Calcium Def on a couple plants added some Cal-Mag, Liquid Karma and Veg nutes all at about 1/8 normal dosage and they seem to be responding well the spots are not increasing in size or number so I think I nailed it down (I hope I did).

Here is the latest pic:

Forgot to mention I accidentally knocked over the Bagseed A plant and damaged its stem I tried to nurse it back for 4-5 days and it just wasn't going to have it :( Oh well at this point I have 10 going and that should give me enough to do over the next couple months so not a huge loss...

I also almost forgot that Bagseed B and AK-48 A are starting to smell up the room not bad but when I open the cab door I do get a faint dank odor!