Sounds like you got it goin the right direction for a good grow. As for the fruit flys, I dont use neem to treat those. Saving that for thrips and leafminers, hopefully that will never come. Really, expecially in smaller grows, just the fan blowing gently across them reduce numbers in just a few days. I guess flys have to fly to get laid. LOL. anyrate. if after a week of fan on em another thing you can do is to top a thin layer, 1/2" say, of sand over teh top of the pot. the larvae from the soil either don't hatch or can't reach the surface. Not sure which. But that definately works. Another lil tip is with your carbon filter. Do a thread search, titles only works best for those , for carbon filters. Alot of great home made designs on here that a guy can save a ton. Also, if your interested, another RIU member here, my old buddy Fred, has a nutrient company starting up. I use his product, and endorse it. Go check out his site, Smokengrow. You'll find a free sample request page there and he sends you a very nice starter pack of his nutes. I figure I got enough to bring 4 plants from seedling to harvest including Nugget booster. Mainstay of em is Guano. If you like em theyre priced efficiently to continue and on top of that they are a simple nute to handle as all you do is drop a pkt into water and let it soak for bout half an hour. Compleete package anyrate. Give it a try. He asks you for $2 to help shipping costs but he'll even let you send that to him via snail mail AFTER you recieve the nutes. When ya do, send Fred a line tellin him Vince reffered you if you don't mind. Enjoy the grow, and hollar if I can point you in the right direction on anything.