First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help.

First grow (2 plants/Closet/CFL) Please Help.

This is my first grow and definitely a learning one (already many things I’d do a little different). I did a lot of research before I started growing, but nothing can beat experience. I am on day 24 since I planted them directly into the soil, and my main concerns are they are not big enough (one 3” tall, the other 2”), and I am not 100% confident about my light set up. Looking for all the knowledge, tips & tricks, and constructive criticism I can get. Thanks.

Here is my set up:




Strain: Northern Lights - (Females from nirvana shop)
Grow Area: 36”x20”x60” Grow Tent w/ 4” Carbon Filter and Inline Fan. Also, two 6” clip-fans.
Grow Climate: 84 degrees and 56% Humidity (during veg, will drop to 40% for flowering)
Lighting: On 24/7 during veg, 12/12 for flowering
Veg - 4 x 40w (6500K) (2800 Lumen) CFL’s
2 x 42w (2700K) (2800 Lumen) CFL’s
Flower – 4 x 42w (2700K) (2800 Lumen) CFL’s
2 x 40w (6500K) (2800 Lumen) CFL’s
*Using a dryer vent as a reflector.
Grow Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and Perlite (70/30 mix) in 3 gallon containers.
Nutrients: Veg – Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro
Flower – Dyna-Gro Bloom
PH Level: 6.5 – 7.0

*I rotate the plant 120 degrees clockwise every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.



Additional Information:

One of my plants looks healthy, but awful bushy, afraid it is not growing vertically enough. The other guy has hard a time so far, he experienced what I believe was splash burn on day 9 that messed up his growth, so on day 18 I cut the damaged growth to the main stem leaving only the new, top 2 undamaged, fan leaves in hope to promote new growth and not supply nutrients to the damaged areas. If this was a mistake feel free to let me know, I was just using my best judgment at the time.

I am not doing any grow techniques on this first grow, just a practice run, but still would like to grow some killer bud of course.

Additional Questions:

How tall should my plants be before I switch them to flowering? (I’m thinking 12”)
Switch plants to 20/4 lighting for veg?
Ideal time to start nutrient feedings?
Should I get rid of the plant that was damaged and use the lights on the healthy plant?
Add more lights? If so, what wattage and how many (CFL’s please)?


Well-Known Member
See the problem I have with noobie grows is the lack of space, I think to a degree the plants feel this, but are reluctant to express it ...perhaps? but space for a grower is luxury but at the same time is a form of temperature control, even smell control ...? I just feel that if yuor removed all that crap in that closet and the shelf, that you and the plant would be more comfortable, anyways this is the start of a good grow, you cannot expect all plants to grow at the same rate, ..see them as pets not livestock

Read up kelvin as you said one was squat, a result of too much blue(6500k) light add some more 2700k light ...
to my blog on light charts see PAR ...
Thanks for the input vostok, however the shelf and items on it must stay. This is a stealth grow and the only place that I am able to store all the equipment needed for it. Gotta work with what ya got i suppose. Also, I will check out the lighting article.


Well-Known Member
get the temps down under 80F and swap half the 6500K for 2700K once you start to flower em or just add more 2700K just make sure they get plenty of fresh air (co2) and your temps is around 74-80F


Well-Known Member
They do seem a little small for 25 days. I think they need more light to get a growth jumpstart! Remember cfl are best in 1" to 2" in proximity to plant. Get them closer! Start grow nutrients, at the end of week four (30 days) in ffof at 1/4 strength only. Observe plant after nutrients have time to start working. Water with a plain water inbetween nutrient feedings. I think you should veg her until you are about twice the size of your pics. Then change more bulbs to 2700k for flowering.
get the temps down under 80F and swap half the 6500K for 2700K once you start to flower em or just add more 2700K just make sure they get plenty of fresh air (co2) and your temps is around 74-80F
I am adding 1 more fan in the room soon, hope that will help cool down the temp some, as well transplant them in to a RootTrapper II pot (heard great things about them). I do believe I need to look in to a way to circulate more air into the area. Definitely would benefit from that.
They do seem a little small for 25 days. I think they need more light to get a growth jumpstart! Remember cfl are best in 1" to 2" in proximity to plant. Get them closer! Start grow nutrients, at the end of week four (30 days) in ffof at 1/4 strength only. Observe plant after nutrients have time to start working. Water with a plain water inbetween nutrient feedings. I think you should veg her until you are about twice the size of your pics. Then change more bulbs to 2700k for flowering.
I did have them a little closer earlier, moved them back some in hopes to create some stretch. Thinking about adding 1 more 42w 2700k cfl to each of the plants here in the veg to help with vertical growth. Also, after posting and doing some research I realized i messed up with my nutrients. 1) I gave them 2 nute feedings at 1/4 strength on day 14 & 20. I know now way to early, rookie mistake. 2) I ordered the wrong nute for veg and of course didnt catch it till yesterday, my own dumbass fault. Dyna-Gro liquid grow (7-9-5) is what i used, Dyna-Gro Foliage (9-3-6) is what i meant to get (already ordered it).


Well-Known Member
Your first mistake was using FFOF for seedlings,they have Light Warrior for seedlings.At least you realize your mistake was feeding to early.....lesson learned.85 degrees isn't too hot.Where is your thermometer located?I think if you raise your lights a little it will also lower temps at the plant.You can also get rid of the tin foil around your's hurting more than helping:)
Your closet looks clean to shelf is fine,I store all my equipment there too.

...and some plants/strains are just shorter and have more compact growth than others.That being said the soil being too hot stunted growth of your plants..imo.GL.peace
Do you suggest germinating and letting them get there first set of leaves in Light Warrior then move them into FFOF? My thermometer is on the ground in between the 2 pots. I am going to move my plants into the RootTrapper II pots and add soil so they dont sit so low. Hope this helps with the temp problem if I can get some better air flow through the plant & roots. Also, the white container should not hold heat like the black ones do. Thanks for the help.