First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm beginning to get a little worried. My plants seem to be getting worse now that I've been using my digital ph meter. The red leaves are almost at the top of my buds. ALL kush leaves are canoeing downward and turning red. Before it was just a few. Now each of my kush plants has 20+ leaves turning red (and it doesn't look good).

My cheese plants used to be my best looking plants. Now they seem to be taking a turn for the worse as well. I am picking up 10+ leaves off the ground under each of these ladies every day, if not more. The ends of some fan leaves are brown and dried up (nute burn??). Those same leaves are also turning yellow.

The lemon skunks now have yellowing leaves when they never did before.

The last two times I fed all 3 strains was with straight water (ph'd for 6.5 run off). From what I thought everything was going great doing it this way. Is it possible that now that I'm actually using the proper ph water to feed that I'm somehow unlocking all of these nutrients in the soil? Why would they show nute burn if I'm using straight water all week?? Should I flush?? I don't know... I've been without smoke for two days and I'm extremely irritable so maybe it's just me. This is the worst I've seen them looking and I was expecting them to start looking better. Tomorrow is the start of flower week 5 already and I'm trippin about these plants not looking right. All the pictures I see of peoples plants, they look beautiful, which is why I'm worried. My plants may be big but they look like shit compared to everything else I see out there, IMO. Not sure what to do at this point.


Well-Known Member
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Use this again, is anything locked out?
I don't know anything about pH, I use soil with dolomite lime, and assume I'm at 7.0 at all times.
Plants grow fine.

Have you been flushing with your new pH'd water?


Well-Known Member
It's been my understanding that you only flush if you have nute burn. This is the first sign of anything like that and I'm not sure if thats even the problem. I have the chart but it's useless since my run off all week has been right at or close to 6.5, which according to the chart is optimal for nutrient uptake. Doesn't make sense why they would be getting worse when I've been doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing...


Well-Known Member
Start feeding your deficiencies again.. it will take a week or so for them to improve.... If your getting a runnoff of 6.5 now.. you shouldnt be locking ANYTHING out.. so feed dem girls imo


Well-Known Member
Isn't browning and crumbling leaf tips a sign of nute burn?? Along with upside down canoeing of fan leaves?? If I give my girls nutes right now I'm afraid I'll kill them... ugh... can't think straight. First day in years without smoke and it's taking it's toll on me badly. My apologies in advance if I seem rude or flustered. I mean no harm to you guys/girls.

Let me go grab a few pics so you can see for yourself. I wasn't worried before today...

edit: see thats the thing. I thought this entire last week of using the ph meter would turn my girls around for the better. It supposedly takes a good week for things to straighten out. It's been a week and they look worse than before I started with the digital ph meter.


Well-Known Member
Your soil can be 6.5 pH and you can still burn your plants cause it depends what your PPMs are reading. You might be putting to much nutes in your plants! If it continues to get crispy then you will need to flush them. Do you write down all your feedings and what you put into your plants? What type of feeding schedule are you following or you just going what it says on the bottle?




Well-Known Member
Your soil can be 6.5 pH and you can still burn your plants cause it depends what your PPMs are reading. You might be putting to much nutes in your plants! If it continues to get crispy then you will need to flush them. Do you write down all your feedings and what you put into your plants? What type of feeding schedule are you following or you just going what it says on the bottle?


I haven't fed them nutes since Monday? but that was my question... if the nutes are already in the soil, and I start using 6.5 ph'd water, won't that "unlock" all those trapped nutes in my soil all at once? Since they weren't being used before when my water/solution was above 7.2 or do they get washed out each time I water?


Well-Known Member
Have you considered feeding the plants deficiency with foilar sprays till you get the root side sorted out.. just as a quick fix before there is too much damage? Post some pics if you can !


Well-Known Member
Honestly bro I dont understand what your asking? Just because you shoot 6.5pH water in there doesnt mean its going to unlock anything. You need to flush out your lockout which means getting rid of all the old nutes and build ups in your medium and then start out with fresh nutes. Thats why you should flush 3 times the amount your plant's container getting a clean slate for your medium. I hope I am making sense, maybe some experts here can help out, I am a nOOb!




Well-Known Member
The normal Procedure I do is flush a ton .. with 3 times like you said bkb.... then follow it with a light nute mix.... then start to progress from here.. if I see a immediate problem that I can fix foilar feeding .. I will do that too..

Hopefully Dubbz can get some good pics of the problems.. and we can get some people to help him with this situation


Well-Known Member
For sure thats why I asked if he keeps track of his feedings. I write down all my feedings so that if something goes wrong I can see where I went wrong. That way I can flush the shit out of a plant and go back in my feeding tracker and start off with fresh nutes prior to any burning or lockouts. I also want to know what type of feeding schedule Dubz is using cause those feeding schedules tend to be wrong. I tried following a Fox Farm feeding schedule once and it burned the shit out of my plant. I used to think that the more nutes I put in the bigger and better the plant would be, NOT TRUE!




Well-Known Member
Sorry it's taking so long guys. This laptop is a POFS and keeps freezing up on me while trying to upload these MFCS pictures..........................


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the wait guys. Bringing these girls out of their room for pics is a pain in the ass...

These are all mixed up but the red leaves are on the kush and the crispy ended yellow leaves are on the cheese. I'm not going to bother bringing out the lemon skunks since they are like my red headed step children and I'll treat them as I do the others. Same thing though, yellowing browning crispy leaves that weren't there yesterday or the day before...and the red shit is getting worse



Well-Known Member
According to all the problem guides the red leaves is caused my a molybdenum deficiency, which is very rare. An experienced grower friend of mine advised that I foliar spray with 8% humic acid. I have done that for the last 3 days and it doesn't seem to be helping. I sprayed the plants just as the lights were going down. What he said this does is... as the stoma are closing, the foliar spray will dry. Then when the lights come on the stoma will open and the plants will transpire, thus soaking up the left over dried up foliar spray. Not sure if this is accurate or not but I'm pretty sure that's how he explained it to me.


Well-Known Member
BKB, I post all my feedings/waterings/findings/issues here on my journal. I may have to dig through a few pages to find them but they're here.

Basically I need to flush each plant with 15 gallons of 6.5 ph'd water, followed by a light nute solution. I have two 5 gal buckets... just thinking of that work alone is frustrating. It's going to take 8 hours to do all that work, but if it has to be done then so be it...


Well-Known Member
You will want to spray when stomata are open.
I know there's specific conditions to when they are open, they are your plant's sweat pores.
I think they close at 85*F but I don't remember.
Make sure you get the undersides of leaves especially.
They will absorb it better than the top side.


Well-Known Member
This is taken right from the Humboldt Nutrients website:

"Spray solution evenly on garden when the sun is setting, or when lights are turning off; or alternatively when sun is coming up, or just before lights are turned on. Stomata open up under light and slowly close during the night. Humboldt Nutrients suggests spraying when the sun is setting, this way you can alleviate evaporation of Foliar spray and the danger of foliar burns."

Ps. my bad for stressing out fellas. I've had a hell of a day and the last thing I needed to see were my girls looking like shit. I was really hoping to see some positive progress, not negative. It's really getting the best of me.