First grow. 2 x 400w, mystery bagseed. YAY!


Well-Known Member
completely odorless, BUT if you touch them the entire room stinks up :P allready getting the itch for a sample... really want to take just a small lower bud and test it out but i really want them to be all they can be aswell..

frosting up like crazy also now


Well-Known Member
wow.. this is crazy.
i just had to take a sample. cut off a tiny popcorn bud at the bottom half of the plant.
quick dried in the microwave and rolled it up.

i am completely wasted.. destroyed.

ive had a high this good only a couple times in my entire life... and damn ive smoked alot in my time.
And still there is 4 weeks left for harvest..

cant wait for this.. i hope i can keep this mother alive forever lol


Well-Known Member
wow.. this is crazy.
i just had to take a sample. cut off a tiny popcorn bud at the bottom half of the plant.
quick dried in the microwave and rolled it up.

i am completely wasted.. destroyed.

ive had a high this good only a couple times in my entire life... and damn ive smoked alot in my time.
And still there is 4 weeks left for harvest..

cant wait for this.. i hope i can keep this mother alive forever lol
dude i love this update. : D . This is we started growing is it not? We want our own dank buds without the horrible prices : D! sounds like your bud has got it goin on bro. The microwave worked well i take it? Ive heard it zaps the trichomes.



Well-Known Member
put the microwave at the lowest setting 150w in this case and gave it 4-5 seconds then stopped then 4-5 seconds again and so on until dry. maybe 10-15 times in total.
tasted like shit due too nutes ect but one hell of a punch :P


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take samples this early. Definitely wouldn't make a habit of it either, it will be worth the wait, please trust me.

That's some kind of crazy stretch even for bag seed. Next time when you start flowering try to get your light as close as you possibly can to help fight the plants urge to reach for the light.

I'm not bashing at all. I believe at this point you're going to at least meet 50g per plant. Nice build and grow! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
thanks man. yea was pretty much impossible for me to avoid this uneven stretch as they were vegged for too long.
i could offcourse have mounted up a screen but was alittle unsure how the hell i can flush them later when they get stuck in the screen hehe

really hope you are right about the 50+ grams :)

will give a update with pictures later today when lights come on.


Well-Known Member
sorry that i have been quiet lately. dont seem like many have missed me though :P
had some problems with my internet for a long time, been fixed now i hope.

today its only 14 days left until harvest and the plan is to get them all flushed today.
though i am unsure how successful that will be as they are so god damn huge, branches can barely handle the weight and on top of that i have to carry them down a flight of stairs into the bathtub... gonna be hard not breaking anything..

will update later today with pictures from flushing and other stuff.


Active Member
Hey man, long time lurker; first time poster.
I'm actually on my second iteration of a bagseed grow (I didn't take the first grow seriously) and my plants look pretty similar to yours. Amazing how excited you get once they germinate, then you see how quickly they veg, waiting for pre-flowers, and then seeing the buds go nuts.

Anyway, i haven't gotten around to a grow journal myself, but i have gone through just about every step related to an indoor grow (cloning too!) and i'm about to have my first harvest in a few weeks.

Keep posting. I, for one, look forward to pictures and your final weights!


Well-Known Member
thank you for joining in ogobetse, the ladies got the final flush today and man i gotto say it was a pain in the ass moving them downstairs without breaking branches. took me several hours getting it done.

also took the mother for a bath while i was at it too prevent salt buildup.

here are a couple pictures i took while the flushing was going on.
the droopyness is caused by lack of water as its 2 days since watering at the time of flushing.

as you can see the mother is getting pretty big and its still a few weeks til im taking clones for the new batch so i had to cut her down a bit as she is outgrowing the cabinet hehe

13 days left for the 8 week mark so will start having a look at the trichs soon.

ive had a massive problem the last 3 weeks that is getting worse and worse, leaves just dying and dropping off and its climbing higher and higher on the plant. some rust spots along with it. i MIGHT have too harvest early to avoid the problem hitting the buds.. thats what you get for not having any dolomite lime in the soil i guess.

will update again soon.


Well-Known Member
hey bet you cant wait for the final product :) i find it the hardest trying to cure the bud without pickin at it all the time lol nice first time grow what size pots where you using ?


Well-Known Member
hehe yea its hard resisting sampling allready :p all pots were 10 liters except mother thats in a 38 liter pot. thats the maximum size pot i can take in and out of the mother cabinet due to the opening beeing abit narrow. so mother will get root pruned when she gets potbound.

i have sampled alittle allready and it gives a crazy couchlock.. i just get utterly retarded.. every word i say i hear back 10 times in my head.. good stuff :p


Well-Known Member
only 1 week left for the 8 week mark :) and offcourse now the Gf has visitors for almost a week :/ not beeing able to enter the grow every day makes me alittle anxious but i think they will be fine.

will update with pictures as soon as i get them out of the house for a bit hehe


Active Member
You've really come out on top. I've missed looking at the forum for the last couple months, but I am glad I got back just in time. Hope you have an extra goooooooooey harvest!


Well-Known Member
sunday is the day ill cut them down! :) was planning on taking them down by judging the trichs but as its summer vacation and all that shit i have to do it now in order to get the clones rooted in time for when i leave alittle bit. my brother will take care of the clones for a week or so after that.

anyways. sunday it is, about 2 hours trimming maybe and then its just the waiting game after that.

will defenitly throw up some pictures of the gals hanging by the neck.

ah almost forgot. i took another sample yesterday. decent nug i shared with a few friends to see what they think of the product and they were all shocked that it was even possible :P the most hard hitting shit ive ever had except some heroin coated afghan hashish i had once lol


Well-Known Member
god damnit.. i just did a massive update and computer went to shitz..

will make a new short version lol

i harvested the ladies yesterday. took me a whole 6 hours trimming :0
i found a few seeds on 1 plant also so i took extra time on all of them to make sure i got all the seeds out.
about 20 perfectly healthy dark brown mottled seeds. nice to have as backup incase motherplant goes poopoo.

after trimming for 6 hours they all got hung up inside the flowering area and the hps's got shut down for a little resting time while they dry.
i did not trim the buds all the way in to the bud itself as the leaves themself everywhere was completely cloated in resin. why cut it off when my main focus is weed and not hash.

ive gotten a huge bag of top quality trimmings aswell.
oh and yea every 20 minutes or so i scraped off all the resin from my scissors and after the 6 hours of trimming i rolled one up with the hash and fell asleep in my flower area :P seriously waking up and looking up at 1 ++ pound of weed is the shit!

here are a few pics.

cola.jpgbudz.jpgharvest2.jpgharvest1.jpgenjoy :)

no idea where that attached thumbnail came from...
anyway. anyone have any dry weight guesses? really curious if im getting like a half pound or more than 1 pound.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
they look very nice. too bad you had to chop early. would have been great to let them go another week or 2. i will go back and read through the thread later, i just glanced at the pics for now and will read when i have the time.


Active Member
Yum Yum! Some sexy nugz you go there mate. Hope you enjoy. Sometimes bagseeds can pay off, especially when you dont have the cash to dish out for seedbank genetics. +Rep Congrats!



great grow my friend! im having the same problem with the rust spots on my grow....did you figure out what it was? im thinking potassium def. i also noticed you wrote something bout dolomite lime so that could be it? how long was the total veggie state also? about a month? reading your journal has given me a lot of tips im going to use myself.